Originally Posted by
Ha, ha, ha! Good one regarding Mr. Kay however I never mentioned anything about Mr. Kay being in a hurry to leave, he was GREAT and we enjoyed him and so did everyone else! He's a fantastic personality and one of Oklahoma's finest!!! Saw lots of law enforcement early on - you are correct, this incident occured late afternoon down by the old theater. We may have a difference of opinion on this subject; however. I am merely a spectator who witnessed this and was saddened that this happened. I was there to enjoy, spend a little money, and take in the new festival. Again, I will say that I truly believe that promoters/coordinators had very good intentions and they were very nice to all of us. I am glad to hear of your pride in the area, this is a positive thing; however. Those offenders previously mentioned had intentions to be disruptive (if only for a short while), it was enough to cause some to leave because they were visitors unfamiliar with the area. Regarding the food vendors being upset - From what I gathered, their immediate concern was they were promised 24hr security (OKC Police, OK Sherrifs, etc) for their property/equipment. The word was that this had changed and only one paid unarmed security detail was going to be there from Saturday night through Sunday (originally 24hr security from Friday through Monday Morning). Vendors left due to the lack of overnight security (trailer are their livelyhoods). Sir, I felt welcomed by the alumni, coordinators, and artist. It was the bad element in the mix that cause me to leave with the others and although their numbers were few, they set out to make their own statement and they acheived what they wanted - to intimidate some of the old folks and run us off! They succeeded! Many of us are too old (and too smart) to fight and have seen a lot of history on our lives and anytime we feel threatened today, it's time from us to relocate to safer surroundings.