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Thread: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

  1. Default Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    I am extremely annoyed and frustrated with dealing with bugs. I have no clue what the hell they are, but it has got to stop! Every night after 10, these black/brown bugs come out onto the porch. I see them nowhere else, not at any of my previous places. Why do mom have these bugs?! Do anyone know what the hell they are? I need to know how to stop them. They walk at a slow to decent speed and sure as hell can run fast. Every other night or so, I see one or two inside the house and it freaks me out!

    ^^^ I need instructions on how to annihilate them, please!

    Spiders... Don't get me going on how they set their eyes on you with fangs drooling waiting to attack.... I have a storage (and I regret picking this one) and every time I open the door, I see a spider here and there! This is totally unacceptable! Out of all the places, it the frickin' storage with all those spiders! So.... What can I do to prevent them? Spray? I dunno what to get.

    ^^^ One thing I do know is that I will never take anything out of that storage. I will have someone to take them out and inspect before I even handle it.


    Anyone remember those devices that you plug into the wall to prevent pests from entering the home? There are several brands (copycats) and I am not sure which one is the original and which one that actually work. Someone help me on this (dont remember names), but I would like to know if they actually work or not.

    And lastly, what should I use for around the house, windows, and doors?

  2. Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    ::Pest Offense Best Offense Electronic Electric Pests Control Device, Ultrasonic Repeller::

    I think this is the original. Still reading reviews and comments about this brand. I find it awesome how they have the interpreter in the video on the home page. ^_^

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Oh Thunder.

  4. Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Oh Thunder.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Sounds like junebugs. Go to Walmart & get a bug zapper light. Hang it on the porch, plug it in & the bugs will be attracted to it & will get fried.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post
    Sounds like junebugs. Go to Walmart & get a bug zapper light. Hang it on the porch, plug it in & the bugs will be attracted to it & will get fried.
    Good suggestion! Cheap entertainment, too.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post
    Sounds like junebugs. Go to Walmart & get a bug zapper light. Hang it on the porch, plug it in & the bugs will be attracted to it & will get fried.
    If you want it to fry Junebugs, you will need to take off all the protective screens that keep you from touching the zapper wires. The mesh is too small for Junebugs to get thru.

    Don't worry about small children getting shocked...they will only touch it once.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Glad I'm not the only one who is arachnaphobic...Nothing with more than four legs needs to be alive....

  9. #9

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Spiders are very beneficial. They eat skeeters.

  10. Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Junebugs fly. These do not. They're evil. I think they hide in the ground during day.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    Spiders are very beneficial. They eat skeeters.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Post a picture, Thunder. Of the wicked bugs.

  13. #13
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    We have a 4-5 toads in our front and back yard that come to the porch each night to feast on June bugs. It's mildly entertaining to watch them eat and my kids are fascinated by it. It's amazing how quick their tongues are. We just stand by the back door, turn on the porch light and the toads come hopping up. I saw one medium sized toad eat at least a dozen June bugs tonight, plus a couple of unfortunate mosquitoes.

    And Skyrick, I'm perfectly fine with spiders being beneficial outside, but if they come in my home, they get the flyswatter.

    I'm interested in the mysterious evil beast that Thunder is troubled by.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    And Skyrick, I'm perfectly fine with spiders being beneficial outside, but if they come in my home, they get the flyswatter.
    If I find them inside I usually let them walk onto my finger or a piece of paper, then relocate them outside.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    We have a 4-5 toads in our front and back yard that come to the porch each night to feast on June bugs. It's mildly entertaining to watch them eat and my kids are fascinated by it. It's amazing how quick their tongues are. We just stand by the back door, turn on the porch light and the toads come hopping up. I saw one medium sized toad eat at least a dozen June bugs tonight, plus a couple of unfortunate mosquitoes.

    And Skyrick, I'm perfectly fine with spiders being beneficial outside, but if they come in my home, they get the flyswatter.

    I'm interested in the mysterious evil beast that Thunder is troubled by.
    I am constantly rescuing toads from my dogs, these days. They keep pawing them to get them to hop and sometimes that doesn't go well for the toad. Croaky isn't too bright and keeps coming back into the yard. Croaky croaks and is GOING to croak if he doesn't wise up.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    Well, after driving thru much of Florida some time ago and having to stop a bunch of times and scrape bugs plastered in mass on the windshield, I don't feel so bad about bugs in Oklahoma. Because I've never had to stop my car just to scrap bugs off the windshield in Oklahoma.

  17. Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    We get bugs in the house pretty frequently...living near a lake seems to do that for ya.

    Spiders in a storage shed is normal--they like dark places where they can hide. Bug bomb the place if it bothers you that much. You'll have a lot of bodies to clean up....more than you will probably expect.

    As for having bugs outside...well, they are outside. They are meant to be outside--if you are inside, why does it bother you so? If they get in, kill them. Make sure your house is well-sealed around the doors and windows. Those stupid supersonic wave things you plug in are a joke. Don't waste your money. I don't know what they are without further description...brown/black beetles is pretty vague.

    We have a lot of toads this year, too...never had this many back home. I even caught a little baby toad in my hand one evening, no bigger than a tree frog. He was a cutie; sat in my hand and looked at me for awhile before hopping into the leaves. Ah-dorable. I hope he eats to his little heart's content.
    Still corrupting young minds

  18. #18

    Default Re: Bugs, Spiders, & Evil

    at our lakehouse on eufaula, we used to catch baby toads the size of your thumbnail, or smaller. they were everywhere.

    but, as bandnerd said thunder, the bug bombs/foggers work pretty well.

    i also find it mildly amusing you are suprised to see spiders in a storage unit. spiders can and will get into any place imaginable.

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