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Thread: Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

  1. #1
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

    I love Nip/Tuck
    Last comic Standing-Way to go John Heffron!!!!
    still like but am getting tired of for Love or money
    Fear Factor

  2. #2
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

    I would have to say Fear Factor (my favorite), Survivor (all of them), and Last Comic Standing. I watched Big Brother 1,2,&3, and then lost interest. Big Brother reminds me of my office job....some of my lying and backstabbing co-workers. I figured, no reason to watch any more Big Brother when I experience that type of venom on a daily basis.

    So many reality shows, not enough time to watch them all.

  3. #3
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

    LOl that is so sad co -workers suck sometimes!I watched a Couple of the survivors,a couple big brothers, I love the real world.So who did you want to win last comic standing?I knew John would win it was so weirs but i Loved Jay, and Gary, Ant got on my nerves a little,Todd Glass I thought he was great I loved Corey and think Alonzo should have went way before he did.I cant think of anything else right now.But I am stressing a little the fall line up is looking really good!My poor little TIVO is gonna explode!

    Talk soon,Lisa

  4. Default Re: Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

    The Apprentice was an addiction last spring. I even saw most episodes more than once (2x on NBC, 2x on CNBC weekly). It was the biggest, juicest reality TV show in the history of television, BY FAR!!

    How about that, DT??!!
    Continue the Renaissance

  5. Default Re: Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

    I watch "Big Brother" on nomination and eviction nights. Plus I like the games. The whispering I loathe. Sine I am not home two out of three nights, I tape them.

  6. #6
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

    I wish I could get into reality shows, but I just don't care for most of them! IMO, they're just a sign of how un-creative society is now.....what happened to wonderful dramas like Murder She Wrote, Diagnosis Murder, Magnum PI, etc.?

    I guess if I had to pick some of my favrotie, I'd pick For Love or Money, Bachelor/Bachelorette, and the Marry my Dad one was pretty cool!

    I do watch Survivor from time to time. Poor Rupert has gotten jacked on the two he was on, but at least he won the popularity contest among the viewers.

  7. Default Re: Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

    No, Patrick, you're right that reality shows are a reflection of a lack of creativity, at least in the industry. You can easily classify network nonreality shows: police procedurals, family sitcoms, legal and medical dramas. But it's also a reflection of who watches network TV; network audiences haven't flocked to innovative shows like Ed or Arrested Development.

    That's why cable has been breathing down their necks with awards and cultish interest: they're more daring and unique. Shows like nip/tuck, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Six Feet Under, or Sex in the City don't generate audiences. The only new comedic success in the past decade or so has been Will and Grace, which is the raciest mainstream (yeah, what a paradox) sitcom still on. There has not been a comedic success since it premiered years ago. More family-friendly fare like Everybody Loves Raymond and Frasier have left or are on their last legs.

    The other reason reality TV keeps coming is that their networks love the profits they turn in. They're Hollywood's version of the SUV.
    Continue the Renaissance

  8. #8
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

    You're right floater......they turn in huge profits and they don't cost much to make! It's a win win situation for the major networks. It's unfortunate though. I don't mind some reality shows, but it seems like that's all that's on TV anymore. I've always wondered....why in the world do I need to turn on TV to tune into reality? I can go up to the mall or Bricktown if I want to see reality in action. That's more fun anyways.

    I guess I'll just stick with ESPN!

  9. Default Re: Any Reality Tv FANATICS out there like myself??

    I would watch "Cops" more if they would tape in OKlahoma City.

    I have heard OCPD has a policy against it. Why? It would be great public relations. Maybe Bill Citty will change that policy. I know I would.

    If not, maybe when he retires and Dave Shupe take the helm, I can convince him to change it. We went to Grant together but were not friends. Most people changed since then, and I trust Dave did also.

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