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Thread: Purina Needs to Go

  1. #1

    Default Purina Needs to Go

    My God....that plant stinks up the whole city!! OKC, Edmond and probably even Norman is getting a dose.

    I can't believe it but there are plenty of times I'm down around 63rd and May and I can smell that plant!!!

    YUK!! I hate the smell of dog food and that company is making me not want to ever move back to Edmond.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Quote Originally Posted by Jethrol View Post
    My God....that plant stinks up the whole city!! OKC, Edmond and probably even Norman is getting a dose.

    I can't believe it but there are plenty of times I'm down around 63rd and May and I can smell that plant!!!

    YUK!! I hate the smell of dog food and that company is making me not want to ever move back to Edmond.
    You must have one hell of a honker. I drive by that plant on occasion and can't smell it. Nor can I smell it from either SW 63 and May or NW 63 and May (this city has both and you didn't specify which one), and my office is near NW 63 and May.

    The plant is fine where it is.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    LOL, no, we don't notice it down in Norman. When we get the funk, it's coming from the south side of Norman, but even that rarely floats up past Boyd.

    Can't say I've ever noticed the OKC facility at 63rd and May area in the past. From 96-06, I used to end up in that area several times a month, various times of the week.
    Maybe it got worse after 06? Once my activity level in Scouting changed, phone and email were more expedient than face time.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    I never smell it unless I'm within a half mile of it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Then move if you don't like it. It was there long, long ago and it provides jobs. I grew up where I could smell packing town and lived through it.....(moo)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Maybe you have an extra sensitive nose? It really does provide jobs and has been there a long time. I hadn't heard anyone complain about it all that much but maybe I just haven't been around people who live near it. I always enjoy seeing the checkerboard.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Hey, we're on the Great Plains. We have cows and pigs and there are smells in the air. Its like people who move near an airport and then complain about jet noise. Try living northwest of DFW airport and avoid smelling jet fuel on a calm summer night.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Quote Originally Posted by smooth View Post
    You must have one hell of a honker. I drive by that plant on occasion and can't smell it. Nor can I smell it from either SW 63 and May or NW 63 and May (this city has both and you didn't specify which one), and my office is near NW 63 and May.
    haha...so right...I meant NW 63rd & May.

    Also I don't have a great honker, in fact, it's quite bad. I notice it when there is low or no wind. Most people don't notice the smell until I mention, "Do you smell dog food?" Then they usually do smell it.....so perhaps you're like them and just busy and not really paying attention.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    LOL, no, we don't notice it down in Norman. When we get the funk, it's coming from the south side of Norman, but even that rarely floats up past Boyd.

    Can't say I've ever noticed the OKC facility at 63rd and May area in the past. From 96-06, I used to end up in that area several times a month, various times of the week.
    Maybe it got worse after 06? Once my activity level in Scouting changed, phone and email were more expedient than face time.
    Well I should say that I don't normally smell it at NW 63rd and May but I have before.

    When I was going to UCO from '03 to '07, I would smell it often and it was a VERY pungent smell. Not subtle or slight at all. It was easy to notice and pretty much covered the campus.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    yeah...thats smart...lets get rid of something that contributes to the economy.

    You have nasal problems. I've lived about a 1 1/2 north of the plant for over 10 years and it has never bothered me. In fact, the only times I notice it seem to be early in the morning or in the evening...and even then it is only when there is a south wind...I rather think my dog likes it though :-P

  11. #11

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Maybe you have an extra sensitive nose?
    It's possible but I don't think so. I usually can't smell anything.

    I think it might have to do more with me not liking the smell of dog food. I mean it's not like it makes me gag but it's pretty obnoxious.
    It really does provide jobs and has been there a long time. I hadn't heard anyone complain about it all that much but maybe I just haven't been around people who live near it. I always enjoy seeing the checkerboard.
    I've lived here my whole life and the vast majority of it has been in NW OKC and/or Edmond and I can't remember when the plant was ever so offensive as it has been over the last 10 years or so. In fact, I didn't even notice it but on rare occasions. Now it seems like anytime the wind is low....I smell it.

    Ok...so perhaps "It has to go" was a bit harsh because jobs are good and I don't want anyone to lose their job. But man....something should be done to contain the smell.

    I can't believe I'm the only one that thinks it stinks.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    I live north of there as well and can smell it when there are strong winds from the south. My dogs LOVE it when the wind's blowing from that direction... it's quite a sight to see all four dogs pointing south with their noses high in the air soaking it up.

    The smell has never bothered me in the 10+ years we've lived in Edmond. There are certainly much worse smells to deal with... like driving on north Portland/SH 74 passing by the Deer Creek treatment facility... there are days that it's strong enough to make you wanna puke!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Then move if you don't like it. It was there long, long ago and it provides jobs. I grew up where I could smell packing town and lived through it.....(moo)
    Since I have never smelled the Purina Plant, Mug, I'm wondering if it is anywhere NEAR as bad as rendering day at the stockyards used to be. Even then, some days were worse than others, wind direction aside. I sure don't miss it. BTW I used to try to figure out a way to describe that stink to those who never had the pleasure. It wasn't easy to do.

  14. Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Could be worse, anyone ever been to Greeley, Co?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Oh I'm with you. I don't think it should go, but that smell is HORRID. I have to cover my face to go check the mail on some days. Especially when it rains in the summer. GAWD. It's terrible. I wish they could replace the ingredients or find some way to contain it. I wonder if the workers have it embedded in their pores.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    The stockyards used to be real bad in the early 60's. Had a friends dad say that it was a funny way to advertise.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    We can sometimes smell it at our house, especially in the mornings. We are several miles northeast of the plant. It took us a while to realize what it was we were smelling when we first moved here. I guess it depends on the wind direction.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    could be worse - could have a pig farm next door...

  19. Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    OK, if you're saying you can smell the dog food plant at NW 63rd and May that means the wind has to be out of the northeast. Now, I am sure it happens once in a blue moon, but in Oklahoma City, having a NE wind is pretty rare. Are you sure you aren't smelling something from a restaurant or the Petsmart at that corner?

    UCO is a whole different story. It's northeast of the plant so I am sure those south and southwesterly winds bring the dog food smell in pretty often. Otherwise, its a case of the plant being in an industrial area, it was there long before the Edmond development and it employs people, it fuels our economy and it generates tax revenue.

  20. Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    I grew up in a town with a cookie factory. When the first cool north wind of the fall would breeze through, or on an early spring day with the same breeze, the whole town smelled like cookies.

    Sure, you think that would be nice. But after a day or two, you really never wanted to eat cookies ever again. :P Sad that it closed. A lot of people in that town lost jobs when that happened.

    ETA: I have a very sensitive nose and the only time the Purina plant ever bothered me (and I was at UCO for 5 years and am now a grad student there) is when I drive directly by it. I just put the air in my car on recycle instead of fresh. I've never noticed it on campus. But, maybe I just got used to it.

    Now, in Stillwater, those pig farms are seriously noticeable...
    Still corrupting young minds

  21. #21

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    I love driving broadway extension over 23rd street - there is a bakery there and especially early in the morning you can smell the bread!

  22. #22

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    It seems like it can be smelled early in the morning more than anything else. It's sometimes noticeable but not as bad as driving next to the stockyards or the city dump.

    Am I remembering correctly that there used to be a coffee plant near the Purina plant? For some reason I am thinking that a coffee smell used to better camouflage the dog food smell.

    Okay enough thoughts of bad smells. I'm just going to think about the bread plant down on Robinson for a while now.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Hah, funny hipster I was just thinking about that.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    It seems like it can be smelled early in the morning more than anything else. It's sometimes noticeable but not as bad as driving next to the stockyards or the city dump.

    Am I remembering correctly that there used to be a coffee plant near the Purina plant? For some reason I am thinking that a coffee smell used to better camouflage the dog food smell.

    Okay enough thoughts of bad smells. I'm just going to think about the bread plant down on Robinson for a while now.
    Cain's Coffee used to be around 63rd. In fact, I THINK it was the original owner of what became William E Davis and Sons, which, I THINK is something else now.

  25. Default Re: Purina Needs to Go

    Mmm that bread bakery over by Byron's does smell good.
    Still corrupting young minds

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