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Thread: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

  1. Default CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Hold your horses, before I get shot by New Orleans fans; this is not a knock against NOLA but just a strong feeling that I have.

    I think Clay Bennett is strongly courting CP3 to join up with the Thunder. Im not sure exactly how/when this could happen but the New Orleans sports media is really giving lots of attention to Chris Paul's affinity for OKC and as MOST OF YOU already know - he is a strong legend in this city, even higher than Kevin Durant. The most recent article I read in the Times-P stated that CP3 had shown some teamates around and for him, it was reliving good times. .....

    And many people in NOLA recognize that CP3 is most likely going to leave, but hate the idea of him coming to OKC - for obviousl reasons. CP3 started his NBA career in OKC and OKC completely fell in love with him. It seems like CP3 would be a perfect match with KD and Green and almost seems like CP3 even wants to play with them.

    I dont have complete factual evidence or anything, but I have a STRONG feeling that CP3 will be back in OKC playing for the home team, and very soon. Especially if the Thunder make the playoffs and get some distance whilst there.

    Can you imagine the starting lineup as follows: Durant (SF), Green (PF), Westbrook (SG), Paul (PG), BOSH (C). Hardin (SG) coming off the bench.... OMG!!!!!!! OKC would be the new powerhouse of the west, Thunder up.

    this lineup may be a dream but if I can think of this, you can only imagine Clay Bennett is. like I said, we need to make the playoffs and hopefully go as deep as possible - so we can get the extra cash and exposure to help seal the deals.

    haha, imagine what Seattle, Charles Barkley and other haters would say to OKC having that lineup.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. #2

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    It would be a dream lineup, but costly. The money spent signing Paul and Bosh would be money not available to re-sign Durant, Westbrook, Green and Harden. I think the core players would be willing to ajust their salaries to stay together and win a championship. I'm afraid that Paul and Bosh would simply come in as mercenaries and try to get as much money as possible without consideration of making a sacrifice for an overall winning team.

    I would really love for the Thunder to get the status of the New England Patriots in the NFL. Players are signing for less with the Patriots to be a part of the organization and team that has a better chance at winning a championship.

  3. #3

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Not going to happen,

    Firstly, Chris Paul is injured for pretty much the rest of the season. If you're saying he'll be here next season that's one thing, but definitely not this season.

    Secondly, the collective bargaining agreement coming up is flirting with putting a hard cap on every team, meaning teams would only be allowed to spend so much and luxury tax would be done away with. If we signed Durant and took Chris Paul's max contract that would potentially take away about 2/3 the teams entire payroll. Bosh would have to be another max deal that would pretty much clean us out, we wouldn't be able to keep anyone because we wouldn't be able to pay them.

    Thirdly, CP3 is under contract to NO until 2013 there isn't any way NO is giving up their price of admission for anything less than Russell Westbrook, Thabo Sefolosha, a first round pick and maybe even an expiring contract.

    Fourthly, even if the CBA negotiations allowed for a soft cap with lux tax there isn't any way OKC could afford a payroll of 8o million a year after tax. Even the wealthiest of teams can only afford 2 max contracts, we'll be hard pressed to sign KD, Jeff, Russ and get a decent free agent this summer let alone burn down the house and overpay on three players that will be commanding maxed out deals this summer.

  4. #4

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...


    Nice thoughts but a couple of things.
    1.) Clay Bennett really isn't that creative and imaginative. He's good at business and finance, not creativity or guaging public interest. The team is still being marketed poorly. You really give him too much credit on how imaginative and scenario playing he is or gets advice on. No I don't know him personally, but for one it's plain obvious and two I know people that work within the organization.

    2.) Can you please point us to a few of the articles you're reading with Chris Paul still talking about OKC in a positive light? I'm not doubting you but would like to read them.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    New Orleans made some CAP room for CP3 when they auctioned off Tyson Chandler.

  6. #6

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Honestly, why would we want CP3? Just because he like OKC doesn't seem to be agood reason. We are doing a pretty good without him, and better than N.O. did with him and the Thunder are getting better every game. When you get a flavor you like stop messing with the ingredients.

  7. Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    metro, I saw in the D Oh'k a film where CP3 was talking about OKC. the New Orleans paper also had a recent article where he was talking positive about OKC. many forumers there were resigned to the fact that CP3 likes OKC - but enough already ......

    Seems to me given this - and the fact that CP3 keeps coming to OKC 'more or less often', something might be on the works.

    All of the above arguments are good - but I wouldn't put it past Bennett and these guys who are looking to put OKC on the map. Yes, we have KD and the nucleus - but we also have some great street cred given that CP3 who is already an NBA icon, started in OKC - what if he returned.... ....

    I could see the marketing now: CP3, Durantula, Russel of the West, and Jeff Greenstein - thundering down the plains into Downtown OKC's new Ford Center...... ......
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  8. Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Not to change the subject, but ...

    I also have a thought that the Grizzlies have a good chance of returning to Vancouver, under much better - local - ownership, if that local ownership could own all of Vancouver's sports teams (NHL Vancouver Canucks*, MLS Vancouver Whitecaps FC*, CFL Vancouver BC Lions, NBA 'Vancouver' Grizzlies). Vancouver has a top 10 arena already (GM Place) and with a single owner of the Canucks and Grizzlies - you would avoid competition for scheduling and could co-market both teams. NBA and NHL play in the fall/winter while CFL and MLS play in the spring/summer. Vancouver's Lower Mainland has as many people as all of Oklahoma, in a much smaller area and the urban area (as Im sure you all have seen on TV by now) looks like a slice of Manhattan.

    The key would be, Vancouver being the gateway to Asia. Seattle Sonics did not take advantage of this, they let Yao Ming go to Houston - big mistake. Vancouver already has a very HUGE asian population with nonstop flights already and huge business/international trade. With the Olympics as a success, I could see the NBA allowing this and the public support provided the local ownership cators to the city's diversity.

    Heisley is hemmoraging and Memphis just isn't a pro-basketball market now is it. Vancouver isn't really a pro-basketball market YET but that was mainly due to how poorly the franchise was run. Also, the team could draw or at least split the Seattle region (with Portland) as we all know Seattle will NOT get another team in the next 20 years at least.

    Anyways, this was just another thought - many people in Vancouver think it iwll be the Indianapolis Pacers, but I think that would be a mistake. Move the team that left - back.

    sorry to sidetrack the thread --- ---
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  9. #9

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    You do realize Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States. Only NYC, LA, and Chicago have more people. Do you think it would be a mistake for Ming to play in those three cities? Not only that, but Houston is the most international city in America with over 300 languages being spoken.

    The Grizzlies aren't leaving Memphis - there is something like $100,000,000 buyout clause in the FedEx Arena contract.

  10. #10

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    I lived in New Orleans for five years and if had my choice between living in new orleans or living in okc, it would be a no brainer. Just because Chris would like to come to OKC doesnt mean that we would have the money to pay him and still sign our present guys.

    That leaves the question of whether a Chris for Kevin trade would make sense. I have seen Mark Cuban smooch up to him and he obviously loves the state of Texas so unless we had a strong commitment, maybe a trade would make sense. Of course, I am not sure where Cuban in going to get the money to pay Kevin and Dirk.

    Maybe I would just wish that Kevin would stop all of his longhorn stuff. I personally think that our biggest risk when it comes to resigning will be westbrook to the lakers. He is getting better, the lakers will need a new point guard soon and russell did grow up in southern california while Kevin spent all of one year in austin.

  11. #11

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Quote Originally Posted by circled9 View Post
    ...while Kevin spent all of one year in austin.
    Kevin has lived in Oklahoma longer than he lived in Texas.

  12. Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    You do realize Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States. Only NYC, LA, and Chicago have more people. Do you think it would be a mistake for Ming to play in those three cities? Not only that, but Houston is the most international city in America with over 300 languages being spoken.

    The Grizzlies aren't leaving Memphis - there is something like $100,000,000 buyout clause in the FedEx Arena contract.
    so what.

    who cares if Houston is the 4th largest city. OKC is the 31st largest city.

    Your point????

    And for your information, Kerry - since you went on the attack - if you read my message, I never said Yao would leave Houston. ...

    I've been to Houston many times, and it isn't quite what you chalk it up to be, and I happen to be Asian American so you can drop all of your fanatical facade and just state your own opinion like the rest of us.

    Houston is HARDLY able to reach China and only does so since Yao came to town, compare that to Vancouver - the third largest city in Canada if you didn't know. I go to China all of the time (will be going again in 2.5 weeks, flying out of Vancouver btw) - ask a Chinese about Houston and you get a blank stare. Ask about Vancouver (even before the Olympics) and they know where it is and most about it.

    that was my point, having an NBA team in Vancouver makes sense given it's presence and link to Asia.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  13. #13

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Your right HotRod - Houston sucks. He should go play for a team that doesn't exist in Vancouver.

  14. Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...


  15. #15

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Trade deadline was Feb 18th right? So that means he won't be here this year, right?

    Or is there another way CP3 could actually end up in OKC this season.....assuming that Clay and Sam actually want him here and are actively trying to get him.

    I don't know how the NBA works but I thought after the trade deadline that was it till next season. Am I mistaken?

  16. Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    That's it for this season, unless the Hornets waive CP3, an event slightly less probable than tidal waves in Nebraska.

  17. #17

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    I am amazed every time I hear these people whining about Texas. Come on people! This OU, Texas stuff is childish. It is a GAME and nothing else. Good Lord it reminds me of those people at work that act like the world has come to an end when OU loses. If I live to be 100 I will never understand this Texas Sucks attitude. I was born and raised in Oklahoma and I cannot understand this irrational emotional hatred of another state because of a game. IT IS A GAME! Sorry to rant but this is ridiculous.

    Secondly there is no way I would trade Kevin Durant for Cris Paul. This is our team and our player. The NEW ORLEANS Hornets were never our team but the Thunder is. Kevin Durant is our dream player that chooses to play here. The very talk of trading him for Mr. Paul is an insult.

  18. #18

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Quote Originally Posted by plmccordj View Post
    Secondly there is no way I would trade Kevin Durant for Cris Paul. This is our team and our player. The NEW ORLEANS Hornets were never our team but the Thunder is. Kevin Durant is our dream player that chooses to play here. The very talk of trading him for Mr. Paul is an insult.
    Good point because it really does feel like this is our team to me. I never got into the Hornets because I always thought they were going away....hell they were vocal about it. However, the Thunder are very much our team. I hope Kevin stays because his contract is up for renewal.

  19. #19

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Chris Paul was a wonderful player here. He was polite, respectful to the city, didn't seem to be arrogant at all (which is supposed to be rare for an NBA star), and a hell of a player. I would love it if he came back. A lot of the fans here fell in love not just with the Hornets, but with Chris Paul.

    Kevin Durant is a superstar in the making. He also shares all the qualities that made OKC love Chris Paul. I don't think we could have asked for two better players to have made their home in OKC. I don't want to trade Kevin Durant for anybody. He's Kobe Bryant in the making, except he's a good person.

    I'd love to have Chris Paul back in Oklahoma City. But I don't want to trade Kevin Durant to get him.

  20. #20

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I'd love to have Chris Paul back in Oklahoma City. But I don't want to trade Kevin Durant to get him.
    Ditto. I love Chris Paul, but I'm not willing to swap Durant for him. Nor would I swap Westbrook for Paul, for that matter, especially when you compare salaries. No thanks....I'll stick with Russ and see how he develops. It's still too early to see how good of a player Westbrook will be. Hell, if he never developed beyond where he is right now, he'd still be a killer point guard!

  21. #21

    Default Re: CP3 back to Oklahoma City ... ...

    We cannot afford both Chris Paul and Kevin Durant, and I'll take Durant over Paul any day, especially considering Paul is currently injured and has had to have surgery. Westbrook is doing a very good job as our point guard, and this is only his second year in the league. I loved his dish to Durant for the dunk early in the game last night. He obviously could have had the dunk himself, but I think he wanted the assist more.


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