I have been looking at apartment complexes lately. I attend school at OUHSC, near downtown. Because my future wife and I are on a tight budget we're looking for a large 1 bed or 2 bed apartment for no more than $600 a month.
Obviously, we've been looking for something close to downtown, a quality apartment, but for a decent price. Unfortunately we haven't found a lot of quality apartments for an affordable price. Deep Deuce, although nice, is quite pricey. Same can be said about other downtown complexes.
We've also looked in other inner city areas. The only really nice complex in the area is Copperfield at NW 30th and Villa, and possibly Coventry Cove, off NW 50th and Hudson.
We've looked further out around the Quail Springs area. All of the newer complexes are way over our price range, and most of the older complexes are not well maintained.
Another problem we've found is lack of availability.
Seems like with the huge void of decent middle income apartment complexes in our city, and the long waiting lists at many complexes, areas like the Oklahoma River, and Memorial Road would be ripe for apartment development.
I hope some apartment developers give the Oklahoma River strong consideration. If they don't, when I become a doctor, I'm going to build my own apartment complex on the river and make a bundle of money!![]()
If I lived in Tulsa now, I'd strongly consider living on Riverside Drive. The apartments on the river are in a pretty decent area, and many of them aren't that expensive. In fact, many complexes on the river are cheaper than those around the 71st and Memorial area.
OKC needs a bigger selection of apartments to choose from. Developing our river with apartments would be a start.