OK, since we've been back in OKC (4/09), May between 150th and 164th has been under construction (it started long before that, though), Western between 150th and 164th has been under construction (it started long before that, though), and now Penn between 150th and 164th is under construction. All are narrowed to one lane each direction, and this is just pathetic, ridiculous, and stupid, since I have seen very little progress on either May or Western (Penn's just getting started, so I'm guessing it'll be a few months before they stop work on it and let it sit for months like the others have been). Does nobody in OKC planning see how f-ed up doing all 3 of these streets between 150th and 164th is?
And why do projects just stop and sit for months? Back when I used to live here, projects did stop and sit for a while, but not for nearly as long as I've seen these sit with no work being done. Is it the contractors, is it the city, or what? Apparently there is no incentive (more money) to get done early and no penalty to take for-f-ing-ever to finish like there is with other projects (but those may not be city projects) in the metro area (and like there is in every other place we've lived/travelled in this country)?
And why would OKC resurface MacArthur between Britton and Hefner (3 lanes of it, anyway) when that section absolutely did not need resurfacing? I can think of probably 100 mile-long sections of OKC streets that need resurfacing before that section did? Wonder what kind of political BS (or city councilman that lives along that stretch) was involved in that little boondoggle? I have to say, though, that they did 2 lanes of scraping and resurfacing in 3 days (it's just awaiting striping) - miraculous! Which makes it even *more* stupid that May and Western are taking forever to finish....
Part rant, part truly wondering why OKC sucks so bad at road construction now? Thanks for reading, and if anybody has any insight on any of this stuff, I'd appreciate reading it...
Oh well, all the wonderful projects in MAPS3 will make me forget all about this kind of stuff, I suppose - I just gotta go to the Central Park and find a parking spot, then avoid all the homeless folks, and hope they have enough money to mow the grass so I can sit on it and dream away.....