Thought you guys might like to read Mayor Cornett's State of the City address. Here it is, in chunks...
It is 2005.
116 years since our great grandfathers drove a stake into the ground and called it home.
98 years since the state legislature selected our City as the state capitol.
63 years since the conception of Tinker Field.
12 years since the beginning of MAPS.
10 years since a bomb blew up our federal building.
6 years since an F-5 tornado entered our City at one end and exited the other.
3 years since we began MAPS for Kids.
It is 2005 and I don’t have to tell you that the state of our City is pretty good. But I do remind everyone that the state of the lives of 520 thousand people cannot be summed up as a whole. We have low unemployment, but if you are unemployed, things could be better for you. People have problems, cities have problems, but overall, how is Oklahoma City doing compared to municipalities across the country. There’s no doubt, we’re in an envious position.
This afternoon, I want to spend a few minutes to talk about priorities, direction and focus. Take stock of 2004 and certainly to look ahead to the rest of 2005 and beyond.
As most of you know, the list of projects and ideas that come through City Hall is both incredibly large in number and incredibly diverse. Nonetheless, to get things accomplished, you must have priorities. Nearly a year ago I spoke to many of you and identified three of my priorities for 2004.
Number one is the continued successful implementation of MAPS for Kids.
Number two was determining the appropriate funding solution for the improvements that we wanted to make at State Fair Park.
And number three dealt with our City budget and to begin to work toward finding a long-term solution to the City’s budgetary stress in the General Fund.
Let me first brief you on those three issues.
During my readings, I collect quotes that I think might serve me at a later date and one that I scribbled down applies well to MAPS for Kids. It applies well because there are so many highly visible positive initiatives playing out around the City—so much positive energy—that I think sometimes it’s easy to forget the generational, sociological, and economic impact of MAPS for Kids. So, yes, there’s a large number of positive things going on but, its important to focus. The quote that I use to help focus my perspective and have made part of my message to you and other citizens of Oklahoma City is….
The big thing to remember is that the big thing is the big thing. And the big thing is MAPS for Kids.