Holy wow! Can you imagine?? He was adopted and reached out to find his birth parents. His mother finally admitted who his father was and why she kept it a secret for so long. He looks just like him!
Man discovers long lost dad is Charles Manson
Holy wow! Can you imagine?? He was adopted and reached out to find his birth parents. His mother finally admitted who his father was and why she kept it a secret for so long. He looks just like him!
Man discovers long lost dad is Charles Manson
EEWWW. I would rather find out my bio father was a monkey.
best comment from fark:
-MI'll take "Things I don't want to know" for $200 Alex.
Sadly, I suspect the next meeting of the Adoptee Search Success Club is gonna have lots of left over cake and punch.
Dunno. If they get into one of those gritch sessions of, "My bio parent is worse than yours," he's a shoo-in.
Wow what a wild story. lol
He should work it. It'll give him an edge.
Ouch. Some things are better left unlearned.
I'm going with ECO...or Penny...or ECO...amg name changes brain freeze...anyway. Yeah, give me a monkey over a serial killer please.
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