everyone has pet peeves, so what are yours?
some of mine:
*when ive been driving for an extensive period on a highway and ive been locked onto cruise control during that time thinking im the only car on the road then as i make a lane change i realize that there is someone else in the lane im about to get into who has also been locked onto cruise control and has been in my blind spot the whole time.
*when people back their cars into a parking spot, what gives??
parking lots:
*when i see someone getting into their car and they know i want their parking spot and they either take their sweet time getting out or when they are about to pull out they pretend to pull back into the spot and wait for me to drive off and then finally pull out of it letting someone else have the spot.
*when im trying to get sleep and someone or something prevents from going to sleep
in public:
*when someone stares off into a subconscious trance and just stares at me, then finally bounces back to their resumed state of mental ambiance.
* when in the drive-thru of whats supposed to be an expedient fast-food drive thru lane, the person ahead of me decides to grocery shop for the equivalent of a dozen vietnamese families.
* when im told by the person working the fast food drive thru lane to please pull forward so they can take the money from the person behind me and make me wait even longer for my food.
* when certain stores try to increase their profit margin by reducing their overall staff numbers and thereby choose to operate with insufficient checkout lanes which in turn create longer lanes for customers to wait through. walmart is notorious for this.