Originally Posted by
I am reminded of when a poster by the member name of Davaz often went on the TulsaNow forum to trash Tulsa back to the stone age. He was booted for hijacking the entire forum (which I am glad for) not because he was trying to express himself, it was because he was posting way too many new threads and not giving other members a chance to defend arguments against Tulsa's quality of life.
However, members of that forum are giving me the impression that they are balking at even constructive criticism by outsiders, unless it comes from a Tulsan.
I also agree with you though, that Tulsa is often given the shaft, especially by their own city leaders, as WELL as INCOG. Correct me if I'm wrong, but after looking at INCOG's website, they just don't have a comprehensive plan for Tulsa area transportation, unlike ACOG, which could explain why Oklahoma City freeways get more funding than those in Tulsa.