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Thread: The state quarter should have on it......

  1. Default The state quarter should have on it......

    ...I'm not sure. What images do you guys and gals think should be on the official quarter? Instead of dwelling on past images (arrows, oil derricks, conestogas), I think we should use this as an opportunity to show other sides of the state we're proud of. I'd like a clean, simple image instead of a busy picture.

    Here's a link to an Oklahoman article about it:

    The state submits four narratives from which artists make the image. What should those four narratives be?

  2. #2
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    I say... a football player, a derrick, and Talimena Drive. That would make an awesome coin!

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    I wouldn't be opposed to an oil derrick. That doesn't make us look like hicks. I'm just opposed to cowboys and Indians. I'm willing to bet that an Indian ends up on the coin though, since we are Native America.
    Last edited by Patrick; 01-26-2005 at 09:38 PM.

  4. #4
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    I would rather it be covered with cowboys than Indians... maybe they can make a SEPERATE coin for Little Dixie and put the Indians on IT.

    Nevermind, we are the state capital, we are supposed to be celebrative of every part of the state, and not pick and choose. Oklahoma would be highly regarded if we didn't have Little Dixie though...

  5. #5

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    I think we have the coolest shaped state. Have the state of Oklahoma on the coin. Other than that, I'm not sure...

  6. #6
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Maybe the shape of the state of Oklahoma with the Capitol dome in the center of the state! bet Tulsans would love that!

  7. #7
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    You should see them bickering away on Tulsanow.org It really is something! They hate everything! They are so liberal... no wait, now they claim to be conservative... they hate OKC... they hate Dallas... they hate KC... and so on, it's sort of funny until it becomes a migraine!

  8. #8
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    SoonerGrad, I really don't think it's fair to put down Tulsanow. I give them a lot of credit for helping get our site off the ground. They provided a forum whiuch was used to direct many OKC citizens here, including myself.

    Also, many of the posters there have every right to be upset with policies gonig on in Tulsa. They've been given the shaft too many times, especially by their own city leaders. We were at their point about 10-15 years ago.

    They're very knowledgeable about their city, and I know they love Tulsa just as much as we love OKC. They only want the best for their city. Unfortunately, a lot of times, the only method to feel better abou ttheir city is to bash other cities, because they're pretty helpless since their city leaders can't get things together. The recent downtown library failure in Tulsa is just one example.....it wasn't that Tulsa residents didn't want a library in downtown Tulsa, it's just Tulsa city leaders were incredibly stupid in the proposal they put together. I give TulsaNow a lot of praise for their efforts. They have a very healthy group of committed contributors.

  9. Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    I agree with you, Patrick. TulsaNow does deserve credit for taking action in their community, and their effort is noteworthy. Unfortunately, though, I as a poster on TulsaNow often caught flack from Tulsans about posting information on Oklahoma City. I was even asked to leave by several members. Since I am here at home on our forum, it's all water under the bridge.

    Yet, I have noticed lately there have been more remarks between posters that you wouldn't find on this forum. At least I hope it doesn't happen on this forum.

    I am reminded of when a poster by the member name of Davaz often went on the TulsaNow forum to trash Tulsa back to the stone age. He was booted for hijacking the entire forum (which I am glad for) not because he was trying to express himself, it was because he was posting way too many new threads and not giving other members a chance to defend arguments against Tulsa's quality of life.

    However, members of that forum are giving me the impression that they are balking at even constructive criticism by outsiders, unless it comes from a Tulsan.

    I also agree with you though, that Tulsa is often given the shaft, especially by their own city leaders, as WELL as INCOG. Correct me if I'm wrong, but after looking at INCOG's website, they just don't have a comprehensive plan for Tulsa area transportation, unlike ACOG, which could explain why Oklahoma City freeways get more funding than those in Tulsa.

    Let's just hope with better leadership that by 2007 state funding will be more equal, and that the state quarter doesn't wind up with a big crack on the back with OKC on one side and Tulsa on the other.

  10. #10
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse
    I am reminded of when a poster by the member name of Davaz often went on the TulsaNow forum to trash Tulsa back to the stone age. He was booted for hijacking the entire forum (which I am glad for) not because he was trying to express himself, it was because he was posting way too many new threads and not giving other members a chance to defend arguments against Tulsa's quality of life.

    However, members of that forum are giving me the impression that they are balking at even constructive criticism by outsiders, unless it comes from a Tulsan.

    I also agree with you though, that Tulsa is often given the shaft, especially by their own city leaders, as WELL as INCOG. Correct me if I'm wrong, but after looking at INCOG's website, they just don't have a comprehensive plan for Tulsa area transportation, unlike ACOG, which could explain why Oklahoma City freeways get more funding than those in Tulsa.
    Tulsa does not rely onm freeway's like OKC does, Tulsa's transportation infrustructure is bestowed in streets like Lewis and Riverside. Tulsa, is IMO, prettier than OKC (I'm sure many of you feel that way) but accusing OKC of being the source of their troubles is outlandish. They just hate outsiders, in general. We have a very tight nit community, that I guess is just hard to find on the internet these days. Tulsa nor OKC need to answer for their quality of life. We have a state that looks terrible in statistics. If you exclude Little Dixie, our state is looking pretty good... you may even want to exclude the Cherokee Outlet too. My point is, that both of our main cities are above the state AND national average. Tulsa has much less poverty than OKC though. Tulsans have nothing to complain about though, they just need to work among themselves and get back on their feet, then we'll talk about Tulsa.

    edit: They are being much nicer today.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    it was because he was posting way too many new threads and not giving other members a chance to defend
    sounds familiar.......hmm

  12. Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    I agree there is more poverty in areas of OKC, but statistically speaking, Tulsa is not far behind, it's all concentrated in one area. Their affluent areas, too, are concentrated in area. In Oklahoma City, we have affluent areas on the northwest side, north side, and far south side. The poverty is mainly in the inner city, and some near the Britton area.

    No, Tulsa really doesn't have any reason to complain. Prettier than OKC? Well, hills can only take a city so far. Their city streets are ragged in many areas, especially on the north side. South Tulsa is pretty. Ironically, Tulsans don't like their south side, but they sure go there to shop.

    I used to love Tulsa. I used to want to live there (before MAPS conception), but their snotty attitudes towards Oklahoma City and constant contraditictions turned me off. They'll trash us any chance they get, calling themselves a progressive city at our expense. Hell, Dallas treats us better than they do!!!

  13. #13
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    I think that we are growing into another, much more unique, version of Dallas or Houston. I like to think OKC is Dallas with an even more suburban flair, and more architecture, and more legend/history. I think OKC also has better education. Heck, OU has one of the nation's best engineering departments, and OSU has a pretty good health department, and OKC University has the nation's best masters program... so, yes we have some great universities!

    Heck. Haven't we gerrymandered enough? Both Tulsa AND OKC are great. Lawton is great too. Lawtonites give OKC an enourmous amount of respect, and we do nothing to acknowledge them being a nice, medium sized city. We should have a thread for them, just to discuss Lawton.

  14. #14
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Patrick: You should know that Neptune just mentioned you in an ad hom attack.

  15. #15
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Quote Originally Posted by Sooner&RiceGrad
    Patrick: You should know that Neptune just mentioned you in an ad hom attack.
    Issues like this should be dealt with in private via PM, not on this public forum where issues are to be discussed.

  16. #16
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    When TStorm used the word "gerrymadering" I realized that it is the perfect word to strut around there with. I apoligize if it seems I have begun using it too much. Great word though.

  17. #17
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Let's get off of the TulsaNow debate...they run their forum the way they want to, and we run our forum the way we want to. Some of their participants do go over board, but it's still a valuable forum to the Tulsa community.

    Back to the topic of this thread...what would you like to see on the state quarter?

  18. #18
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    I want it to contradict the bad stereotypes of Oklahoma, and focus on the good.

  19. #19
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Any other ideas for the quarter? We could choose images from both OKC and Tulsa's downtown area. The Crystal Bridge might be a good image to use from OKC.

  20. #20
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    I say we don't do that, and if we have a building we should use the Price Tower in Bartlesville.

  21. #21
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    The capitol dome is probably the best structural symbol of our state at the moment.

  22. #22
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Yeah, but a sillhouette of Tulsa's art deco skyline is impressive too.

  23. Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Will Rogers and Wiley Post. Rogers is symbolic of our western heritage and entertainment industry, and Post of our aviation industry, including space industry.

  24. #24
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Will Rogers and Wiley Post. Rogers is symbolic of our western heritage and entertainment industry, and Post of our aviation industry, including space industry.
    Hmmmm...I actually never considered using images of people on the quarter, but that makes a lot of sense. Afterall, both Rogers and Post left a lasting impact on the entire world.

    I suppose another image could be a scene from Rogers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma", since we're so well known for that broadway musical.

  25. Default Re: The state quarter should have on it......

    Just so you know, Sooner&RiceGrad, I post as TStorm on the TulsaNow forum. Neptune74137 accused me of "gerrymandering" when I explained to him that constantly pointing out Oklahoma City's population density is pointless when Oklahoma City's urbanized area only encompasses 244 sq. miles out of 608 sq. miles and 98 percent of OKC's population lives within that 244 sq. miles. He couldn't accept the facts. He never does. By the way, Patrick, neptune74137 is 32. Surprising, eh?

    Back to the subject, what should we put on the state quarter? Something that would surprise the crap out of this nation and make coastal dwellers realize the dust bowl drowned 70 years ago.

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