Today's Oklahoman carries this story:
A Census Bureau CSV file showing the entire state is here: Population Estimates
I'm looking at the CSV file now (as a spreadsheet) and will report back shortly.
On reporting back, some preliminary results:
Oklahoma City, including its parts in 3 counties: 2000: 506,132 2008: 551,789
Oklahoma County: 2000: 660,448 2008: 706,617
Cleveland County: 2000: 208,016 2008: 239,760
Canadian County: 2000: 87,697 2008: 106,079
Logan County: 2000: 33,924 2008: 38,102
Pottawatomie County: 2000: 65,521 2008: 69,616
Grady County: 2000: 45,516 2008: 51,066
Six County Totals: 2000: 1,101,122 2008: 1,211,240