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Thread: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

  1. #1

    Default OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Hi all,

    I hope this doesn't qualify as Spam but we need to get the word out on this event.

    There is a tea party being organized for the Fourth of July at the State Capitol. Completely non partisan, many of us think that both parties got us into this mess. The goal is to show the government and the media that ordinary folks are fed up with the defict spending and the bailouts.

    The event is just now being organized, we have the permit, but volunteers are needed to help organize and we have a list of items needed for the event. We also need as many people as possible to spread the word to friends and family or post on as many forums as possible.

    We have a website, Sooner Tea Party and the next meeting is tomorrow night at 6 pm in Moore.

    and if you can help out, please contact me al"at"thecarpentershop.net (remove the "at" and replace with the @ sign, darned spam bots)


    Al Gerhart

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    I think I'll pass lol.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    I have to wash my hair, so I'm gonna have to pass on this. Sorry.

  4. Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps
    10am till 12am?

    That's 14 hours!

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Awesome! That's a saturday and holiday, so I think I'll bring my kids along just for a history lesson.

    I'm so glad you made two flippant posts on this ronnieron. We're all impressed.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Calling All Sophmores! Calling All Sophmores! let the stupid Teabagging comments begin.

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    I won't be going. I do think it's great that people are getting involved in advocating their beliefs. Hopefully this leads them to better their political awareness.

    There's no reason to make fun on these folks. Will there be some racists there? You betcha.. these events will attract some loons. That said, the vast majority of the folks attending these events are people who are just looking at a way to meaningfully express their political beliefs and participate in letting the government know that it's letting them down.

    Those who mock this group as a whole by calling them all racists, bigots, etc., are just expressing their own bigotry and fear. That's fine with me though. I hope the weather is great and that everyone stays safe.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    I so can't wait for the tea party.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    Calling All Sophmores! Calling All Sophmores! let the stupid Teabagging comments begin.
    oh, awright, if you're gonna insist.

    What's the name for a severely overweight teabagger? Lipton

    What's the name for a mature tea bagger. Earl Gray

    What's the name for a naturalist tea bagger Sunshine Brew

  10. #10

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    What's the name for a mature tea bagger. Earl Gray

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Metro... allow me:

    Politics - OKCTalk

  12. Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Hey, if you want to waste your time in 100 degree heat, go right ahead.... Have fun tea baggers....

  13. Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    Hey, if you want to waste your time in 100 degree heat, go right ahead.... Have fun tea baggers....
    Note, we do not know the temperature for July 4th.

  14. #14

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Are all outdoor celebrations today in 100 degree heat wastes of time?

  15. #15
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Shouldn't this thread be in the Politics forum??

  16. #16

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    You're not gonna be dumping tea into the Oklahoma River are ya mate?

  17. #17

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gerhart View Post
    Hi all,

    I hope this doesn't qualify as Spam but we need to get the word out on this event.
    I'm not sure "need" is the applicable term that transforms you joining here to further your ideological aims to something other than what you know it is - spam. It's just important spam to you...

    There's no reason to make fun on these folks...Those who mock this group as a whole by calling them all racists, bigots, etc., are just expressing their own bigotry and fear.
    Well that's one viewpoint. Another might be that they'd like to express how attention seeking racists and bigots who liken themselves to the original authors of our constitution - just might be letting the rest of the Americans down. So if that's who shows up at the rally, then there might indeed be a reason to have some fun at their expense.

  18. #18

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Quote Originally Posted by SavageDigital View Post
    Well that's one viewpoint. Another might be that they'd like to express how attention seeking racists and bigots who liken themselves to the original authors of our constitution - just might be letting the rest of the Americans down. So if that's who shows up at the rally, then there might indeed be a reason to have some fun at their expense.
    Admittedly, some of the signs at these rallies are racist as can be. No one can really do much about those folks showing up to this. If they think they're at a white supremacist rally, then they're at the wrong place. I listened a bit last time to the words being spoken by the folks who organized the OKC event. Nothing racist was said, nothing hateful, just a bunch of legitimate political speech, much which I disagreed with.

    But no, thinking that Obama and his cohorts are bad for America is not hateful or bigoted. Is that what you're suggesting?

  19. #19

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post

    But no, thinking that Obama and his cohorts are bad for America is not hateful or bigoted. Is that what you're suggesting?
    Where did I mention anything that might get you to that question? But since you did ask - no it's not bigoted on its face. Of course if your suggestion comes from a bigoted belief, then it might be. But unless you're holding a sign suggesting the origin of your motivation, we'll never know.

    Now from my perspective, at best these people are at least a year and a half late with their rally dates.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Quote Originally Posted by SavageDigital View Post
    But unless you're holding a sign suggesting the origin of your motivation, we'll never know.
    Well alrighty then, so your problem with these events is what?

    Now from my perspective, at best these people are at least a year and a half late with their rally dates.
    Not everything is about the Presidential election or even what happens in D.C. State and local happenings are important too. I think this group could have a pretty substantial effect on this Fall's election for state offices. Getting grassroots support is (for example) Randy Brogdon's only real chance of being a legitimate candidate for anything.

  21. #21

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I won't be going. I do think it's great that people are getting involved in advocating their beliefs. Hopefully this leads them to better their political awareness.

    There's no reason to make fun on these folks. Will there be some racists there? You betcha.. these events will attract some loons. That said, the vast majority of the folks attending these events are people who are just looking at a way to meaningfully express their political beliefs and participate in letting the government know that it's letting them down.

    Those who mock this group as a whole by calling them all racists, bigots, etc., are just expressing their own bigotry and fear. That's fine with me though. I hope the weather is great and that everyone stays safe.
    WTF? Did someone ask that?

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Quote Originally Posted by Caboose View Post
    WTF? Did someone ask that?
    Racists are types of bigots, so in a sense, yes. And yes, there have been some pretty racially provocative posters at these events.

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    I don't think this has anything to do with racism. It has to do with being over taxed. If some racists show up who cares there getting over taxed to so oh well. But I guess some people like paying extra taxes.

  24. #24

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    You know, our country has been running mad deficits since 2001. Suddenly the deficit is a problem? I'm sure this event, fully sanctioned by FOX News, is not at all partisan in nature.

  25. #25

    Default Re: OKC Tea Party, July 4th, 10 am to 12 am, State Capitol steps

    Why would you expect a political rally to be non-partisan?

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