Hey everyone....I just found out today that Carl Sullivan, former member of the MAPS Oversight board, will be running in the March 1st election for Ward 4 City Council. He has been a great champion for honesty in the MAPS Program and with our citizens. In his position on the MAPS Oversight Board, he continuously tried to fight a lot of the good ole boy network that went on. He was very blunt and correct about the direction our city needed to take. We need someone like Carl to step up to the plate and continue restoring trust and integrity to our council. Seems like since Kirk Humphreys and company have started leaving city hall, the integrity of our council and city leaders has drastically improved.
Many of you probably know Carl Sullivan from this forum and other forums we've been on in the past. He's a registered user on this forum and reads the messages from time to time. He's also been an active participant on past forums.
I personally would like to endorse Carl Sullivan as City Councilman for Ward 4.
I hope he can count on your vote March 1st.