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Thread: Earth 2100

  1. #1

    Default Earth 2100

    Did anyone else watch Earth 2100 last night? Its a fictional show about a girl (Lucy) born yesterday June 2, 2009, and the world she grows up in through 2100.

    Watch 'Earth 2100' June 2 at 9 p.m. - ABC News

    I found it distrubing yet very believable. Many of the threats to humanity they mention are already problems today and theres no way they're getting better unless we do something. I can see everything we've come accustomed to changing. It almost seems inevitable at this point.

    Some things I think that have to change is our over populating of the earth, our reliance on unrenwalable energy sources, and our urban sprawl. Sadly I doubt they'll ever change because we love our kids, our land, our cars and our lives (as we know them) more than we love the earth. Theres some mention of "the sixth extinction" The Sixth Extinction (ActionBioscience) in this program, and they make a valid point when the compare todays civilization to Rome, the Mayans and especially easter island. Lets hope they're wrong, or that we wake up as a species and do something.

    Any ideas where to start?

  2. Default Re: Earth 2100

    Minus any global extinction event, we'll eventually out grow our place here and the planet will work to correct the in balance in nature. Personally I don't think we've done enough to advance ourselves and see what else is out there. Resources are limited here and they'll eventually run out. If we want to advance ourselves, we need to get back to exploring and look to locations we've ignored for 40 years. Currently we are expected to be back on the Moon permanently with an outpost around 2024 and then first mission to Mars in 2030. I personally would like to see those all moved up 10 years, and can be done...but the love affair with space isn't there. We are too materialistic for what we have no and the dreamers of our society are aging and dying off.

    Buzz Aldrin made mention last year that the Mars mission should be one way. Send people there to live and explore for more than a year. How many people would go for that? Who knows. There is a lot to learn out there. Who knows...cure to cancer, reduced aging cycle, etc could be discovered. Though we could also find other things that aren't good. The excitement of exploring and discovering new things without really knowing what we are getting into - it would be nice to have that mindset again. Knowing that I'll be more than half way done with my life by a time a man sets foot on Mars is disappointing and sobering.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Earth 2100

    Quote Originally Posted by westsidesooner View Post
    Did anyone else watch Earth 2100 last night? Its a fictional show about a girl (Lucy) born yesterday June 2, 2009, and the world she grows up in through 2100.

    Watch 'Earth 2100' June 2 at 9 p.m. - ABC News

    I found it distrubing yet very believable. Many of the threats to humanity they mention are already problems today and theres no way they're getting better unless we do something. I can see everything we've come accustomed to changing. It almost seems inevitable at this point.

    Some things I think that have to change is our over populating of the earth, our reliance on unrenwalable energy sources, and our urban sprawl. Sadly I doubt they'll ever change because we love our kids, our land, our cars and our lives (as we know them) more than we love the earth. Theres some mention of "the sixth extinction" The Sixth Extinction (ActionBioscience) in this program, and they make a valid point when the compare todays civilization to Rome, the Mayans and especially easter island. Lets hope they're wrong, or that we wake up as a species and do something.

    Any ideas where to start?
    I'm working on it. Working on getting a PhD in biomedical sciences to help with disease threats against mankind.

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