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Thread: Happy Memorial day to all

  1. #1

    Default Happy Memorial day to all

    I would like to thank all the women and men in uniform for allowing us this privelage to live in the greatest country on earth, I hope you enjoy this memorable weekend with your family and loved ones.
    This year will be special for us it is my dad 90th birthday a proud vet ( Marine corp), we will be grilling some ribeyes and corn on the cob and baked potatos from homeland, and enjoying some ice cream from cold stone creamery, nothing more american than that.
    Again a sincere thanks to all our armed forces here and overseas for giving us the privelage to live here.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Happy Memorial day to all

    I echo your thanks. The sacrifices made by our military families is something that should never be taken for granted. Enjoy your day with your dad. How wonderful that he is still with you - and still eating corn on the cob!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Happy Memorial day to all

    Happy Memorial Day, you guys.

    I probably missed the opportunity of a lifetime by missing my uncle Paul's funeral.

    My uncle Paul was a WWII vet and a decorated war hero, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star and much more. He was in a company called Merrill's Marauders and spent his time in Burma. When he was back home in Woodward both Eisenhower and Kennedy came by and visited his house for picture ops when they were campaigning for President. That may have been the highlights of my grandmother's life as she was living with my uncle. Actually, the other way, as my uncle was living with his mom.

    Anyway, after spending ten years as the VFW Commander of his lodge in San Diego, he passed away eight years ago. His desire was always to be buried in Arlington Cemetary.

    One of my brothers was his executor and did everything to carry out Paul's wishes but when we first contacted Airlington we were first told they were out of space. Several of his VFW buddies wrote letters and the photo with Eisenhower didn't hurt because they finally agreed to let him be buried there.

    Like I said, I couldn't make it but two of my brothers went. I missed the 21 gun salute and a flyover and ... my uncle.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Happy Memorial day to all

    people like your uncle made this country the most desirable place on this planet, we slaute him

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