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Thread: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

  1. #1

    Default New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  2. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    We have a really good Chamber.

  3. #4

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Oh, that is nice. Thanks for putting that up. I sent it to my kids and some of my neighbors. I am sure they are excited to receive that but they can get over themselves. I think I'll put it on my blog, too!

  4. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    I love it when they update these things!!!!

  5. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    If you go to youtube to watch our videos, please RATE THEM! Of course, I think they all deserve five stars... but obviously I am biased. If positive Oklahoma City video is highly rated by many people on youtube, searches for "Oklahoma City" on their site will return results like the video above instead of prostitution, tornado, and bombing conspiracy related content. Good PR for our fair city!

    Plus, I am on a mission to unseat my old PC High classmate Brian Bates from the #1 spot. Just kidding, Brian!! (...sort of...)

    YouTube - VisitOklahomaCity's Channel

  6. #7

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  7. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Great video! I'm not sure how I feel about the comparisons to other cities at the very beginning, but the visuals are great.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  8. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Oh, that is nice. Thanks for putting that up. I sent it to my kids and some of my neighbors. I am sure they are excited to receive that but they can get over themselves. I think I'll put it on my blog, too!
    Where's your blog, East Coast Okie? I'd like to pay a visit.

  9. #10

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    What's amazing to think about as you watch that 9+ minute promo is that 95% of everything shown wasn't there 20 years ago. And what was there has all been improved/enlarged/renovated, etc.

    I know we have a long way to go in many areas and that change can seem to come very slowly in some ways, but watching that made me very proud of my hometown and excited about the next 20 years. So many great things still on the drawing board.

  10. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Great video! I'm not sure how I feel about the comparisons to other cities at the very beginning, but the visuals are great.
    Better to be compared to Chicago and New York than, say, Little Rock or Omaha.

    The first 30 seconds of this video aired as a commercial on ESPN during the Thunder-Hornets game back in November. I've searched for it a few times since then. Thanks, AFCM, for posting it.

  11. #12

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    I even noticed in the video an aerial view of the canal south of Reno which was still all grass! That as we all know is massively different now! I too, sent the video to my sister and mom. Who knows if they've watched it, but still...

  12. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Does anybody know anything about the two cancer centers coming soon that the video states?

  13. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    ProCure is a private proton therapy center going in on the far NW side of town and then there's the OU Cancer Center going in at the Health Science Center.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  14. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Sorry, personal gripe, but how the heck does the Classen school of Advanced Studies get a shout-out, and the OKlahoma School of Science and Math is left out???

  15. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Actually. Not even that.

    If they're going to mention Classen SAS. They better had mention Southeast, Dove, and AZTEC; most definitely the Oklahoma School of Science and Math should have been prioritized over any of those. But I suppose they are touting is as an inner-city public school; regardless, it baffles me as to why they didn't mention other said schools.

    Whatever. Still a great promotion.

  16. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    the video just seems to project the fact that OKC is "like" alotta other places but doesn't really deliver the same experience..

    it's kinda sad, actually..

  17. #18

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    ^^^Agreed. They should drop the whole "The excitement of Houston, the whatever of Los Angeles."

  18. #19

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Not a big fan of the houses they chose to show in the video either. I don't think that is representative of the architecture or housing stock in OKC... almost looks like that was intentional.

  19. #20

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    Where's your blog, East Coast Okie? I'd like to pay a visit.
    pennyquilts@blogspot.com. It is pretty nonintellectual and fairly tedious, especially lately. I set it up for for my quilting but when my dog got sick, last year, the progress of her cancer treatment pretty much took center stage. After I lost her, viewers had to suffer through my grief if they insisted on continuing to drop by. Since February, it has primarily been filled with pretty puppy pictures, cutsy comments about how darling they are, and angst about giving up my practice. I used to blog more about guardian ad litem work not so much, lately.

    Edited - actually, as pointed out, below. That is an e-mail address. I don't think it is mine but I need to check . Here is the actual site: http://pennyquilts.blogspot.com/

  20. #21

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Pssst, that was your email. For folks wanting to read and not write to you, they might try
    Penny Quilts

  21. #22

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Thanks, Kevin.

  22. #23

    Talking Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    you know once upon a time ago someone informed me of the exciting new future for Oklahoma, and that person was absolutely right............IM PROUD TO BE AN OKLAHOMAN, AND PROUD OF OUR PAST, PRESENT AND EXCITING NEW FUTURE.....

  23. Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    Quote Originally Posted by Architect2010 View Post
    Actually. Not even that.

    If they're going to mention Classen SAS. They better had mention Southeast, Dove, and AZTEC; most definitely the Oklahoma School of Science and Math should have been prioritized over any of those. But I suppose they are touting is as an inner-city public school; regardless, it baffles me as to why they didn't mention other said schools.

    Whatever. Still a great promotion.
    I agree....and I also agree that it would be cool to drop the references to the other cities....

    High quality production!

  24. #25

    Default Re: New: VisitOklahomaCity video

    I'm sure the reason they hold up Classen is because it's an older, inner-city school that was renovated and remade into a great high school.

    That's much more of a civic accomplishment than merely building a new specialty school.

    And I agree about the comparisons to other cities. Also, every single person that starts watching that video knows it's about OKC, so the 'gotcha' of urban scenes not being one of those other places is silly.

    Still, very professionally done and they are certainly doing their best to seize on the NBA PR.

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