Realizing the Riverfront
Skirvin Hilton Hotel
One Park Ave.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Visit Website
Phone Number: 800-321-5011
April 14, 2009
11:30 am to 1:30 pm
Skirvin Hilton Hotel
ULI and RCA Members -$50
Non-members - $75
Students and Public Officials - $40
Speaker: Mary Margaret Jones, President of Hargreaves Associates
The keynote address will be followed by a panel discussion of local advocates led by Russell Claus and include Mayor Mick Cornett of Oklahoma city, Mike Knopp - Executive Director of the OKC Boathouse Foundation and Grant Humphreys - CEO of the Humphreys Company.
Register by calling 800-321-5011 or on-line at ULI/RCA Joint Meeting "Realizing the Riverfront".