Purchase of hybrid car or SUV: $250 to $3,150, depending on vehicle weight and fuel economy.
*Central air conditioner or heat pump: $300, only some Energy Star products qualify.
*Funace or boiler: $150, only some Energy Star products qualify.
*Windows: up to $200, all Energy Star windows qualify.
*Insulation and sealing: up to $500, must meet model building code as installed.
Ground source heat pump: up to $2,000, only Energy Star models qualify.
*There is a limit of $500 in tax credits for home improvements
In some areas of the country, consumers also will be eligible for utility or state rebates or state tax incentives for the same homes, vehicles, and equipment. See the DSIRE database of state incentives for more information on state and utility incentives.
The Tax Incentives Assistance Project (TIAP)