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Thread: New Boulevard question

  1. #1

    Default New Boulevard question

    We all know pretty much where it will lie, my question is, where and to what will it connect? I am looking at the C2S plans and it is further off the map to the west than the plans show. To the east, it looks like it will connect with I-40/ I-235 interchange. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Go here...

    OKC I-40 Crosstown

    Click on maps on the top of the left side...

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Seems to resemble a future "I-40 BUSINESS" parallel to me...dunno...what would we use the boulevard for?

  4. #4

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Quote Originally Posted by sgray View Post
    Seems to resemble a future "I-40 BUSINESS" parallel to me...dunno...what would we use the boulevard for?
    Have you had a chance to look at the C2S plans? I do not mean that sarcastically either because a lot of people haven't had a chance to. It looks like there will be six lanes across (three eastbound and three westbound) with a three lane parking area(two for parking, one for passing through) on either side side of the boulevard near downtown to make it easier for people getting to retail and restaurants. The rest of it would be for passing through and another avenue to get to and from the DT area dispursing traffic.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    The boulevard will be six lanes at-grade from the new I-40 to Shartel. From Shartel to Penn it will be elevated with landscaping. The at-grade boulevard will have landscaping along with drop offs at major attractions and there will be some off-street parking. It will be a very impressive entry into downtown and Bricktown if completed as planned. Hope that helps.

  6. Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Why the hell is the western part going to be elevated? That makes zero sense.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    That makes zero sense.
    That's when you know everything's right on track around here.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    Why the hell is the western part going to be elevated? That makes zero sense.
    They are going to keep the part of I-40 between Western and the new interchange how it is now... aka, basically a freeway, but improved in the sense of being smoother, etc. The part of I-40 that is the bridge will then just be a surface street.

  9. Default Re: New Boulevard question


  10. #10

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Why not?

  11. #11

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    It looks like there is an area of highway that is being built on the east bound side (south side) of I-40, just west of I-235 going back south. Is that going to attach the new boulevard to I-40 or what?

  12. Default Re: New Boulevard question

    So we are going to keep half of the bridge that is about to collapse?? Stupid. It's still a bridge at Shartel.

  13. #13

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    It will be elvated, but it will have landscaping where the concrete barrier is now. There are a several reasons why. The main one being that everything, including the new I-40, has to tie back into the existing I-40 at Penn which is elevated. If it makes you feel better think of the elvated portion of the new boulevard as a really long on/off ramp.

  14. #14

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    Why the hell is the western part going to be elevated? That makes zero sense.

    How can you tell what is elevated and not? I assume by the colors that are used but I can't seem to a key???

  15. Default Re: New Boulevard question

    If it starts at Shartel we are talking about a 2 mile long on-ramp? There would plenty of room after the Penn intersection for the ramps. Stupid.

    Here is a map: http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/newsmedia/i40-okc/maps/Corridor-Aerial050630a.pdf

    USA Today did a article about the project:


    This is a huge opportunity to create the kind of connectivity that once caused American cities to thrive.

  16. #16

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    So we are going to keep half of the bridge that is about to collapse?? Stupid. It's still a bridge at Shartel.
    My understanding was that the whole thing (going from I-235 to Penn) was going to be torn down and rebuilt. Is that not right?

  17. #17

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    If it starts at Shartel we are talking about a 2 mile long on-ramp? There would plenty of room after the Penn intersection for the ramps. Stupid.

    Here is a map: http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/newsmedia/i40-okc/maps/Corridor-Aerial050630a.pdf
    The area in orange in that link is NOT part of the Crosstown Bridge (in red). The red part will eventually be a surface street. Then, after it crosses Western, the surface road will join what's left of the old I-40 (orange), which will be kept, but improved via resurfacing, etc.

    I don't see why this is a bad idea.

  18. Default Re: New Boulevard question

    I'm going to say it's partially a bad idea but it depends on the execution...

    The reasons it would be a bad idea are that it would still pose the same problems the I-40 bridge does: Can't be easily maintained, can't be easily expanded, forms a physical barrier between two pieces of urban fabric, and it's louder than a surface level roadway.

    The reason it's a good idea, if they landscape and beautify it, is that it could be really unique. Throw some of those color-changing light tubes on the support pillars, like on the river bridge at Byers. Plant shrubs and grass under it. Maybe let local artists paint or do mosaics on concrete walls installed there. Create a safe, well-lit public open space under the bridge and it becomes a connector of the urban fabric rather than a divider.

    But this is the first I had heard parts of the elevated freeway would remain.

  19. Default Re: New Boulevard question

    Quote Originally Posted by JWil View Post
    The area in orange in that link is NOT part of the Crosstown Bridge (in red).
    I never said it was. It IS part of the expressway, just not part of the main bridge.

    It is a very bad idea for the very reasons Shane mentioned...the burden of proof here is for you to tell me why a 2 miles of "landscaped" on-ramp is better than a world-class boulevard.


  20. #20

    Default Re: New Boulevard question

    I don't the elevated part is really elevated in the way you think. Between Western and Penn most of I-40 is actually on elevated ground rather that an actual bridge. You can only pass under at certain points. It wouldn't make much sense to dig up that much earth to lower the elevation. Also without that part of the old I-40 being limited access it will seem more like a surface street.

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