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Thread: "Fear Factor" being sued

  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default "Fear Factor" being sued

    Well, it looks like it finally happened. Some nut case is suing NBC over a segment that they saw on the show, Fear Factor. Those who watch Fear Factor know that the contestants usually wind upeating something disgusting. In the episode in question, contestants had to eat blended rat .

    The viewer stated that he was eating, and while he was watching the contestants eat blended rat, he became ill, lost his cookies, got dizzy, and ran into a doorway . What a klutz!! Now, he wants NBC to pay him a settlement for all of his "pain and suffering."

    Give me a break!! The guy is a big time loser just looking to get some money by filing a frivolous lawsuit. He knew what type of show he was watching, so he knew what to expect. What do you think?

    Viewer sues over 'Fear Factor' rat episode

    Associated Press Writer

    CLEVELAND (AP) -- A viewer is suing NBC for $2.5 million, contending that he threw up because of a "Fear Factor" episode in which contestants ate rats mixed in a blender.

    Austin Aitken told The Associated Press he watches "Fear Factor" often and had no problem with past installments where the reality show's participants ate worms and insects in pursuit of a $50,000 prize - but eating rats went "too far."

    "It's barbaric, some of the things they ask these individuals to do," Aitken said Thursday.

    Aitken's handwritten lawsuit contends the rat-eating made his blood pressure rise, resulting in being dizzy and lightheaded - and vomiting. Because he was disoriented he ran into a doorway, "causing suffering, injury and great pain."

    Asked why he didn't shut off his television before the rat-eating segment, Aitken said he couldn't do it quick enough.
    NBC responded with a brief statement: "We believe that the claim is completely without merit."

    Aitken, a 49-year-old part-time paralegal, said he wants to send a message to NBC and other networks with the lawsuit. He said he isn't concerned with winning a cash judgment in court.

    "I just put any figure. You really think I expect to get $2.5 million?" he said

  2. #2
    ClipedWingAngel Guest

    Default Re: "Fear Factor" being sued

    OH MY GOD! Can I sew over Jaws? Not only did I have a house on Martha's Vineyard in which we summered but we know all the spots and even swam in the salt lake inlet where that Shark killed.

    Im sure we all have stories of having seen things we didnt enjoy. I hope they dont honor that and throw it out as frivolous and unfounded.

    Besides, when we train our soldiers to eat rotiserie rat in combat if isolated so they can survive, does this mean they can also request compensation?

    boo hoey! I hope someone sendshiim a few rats! I hear they make good pets!

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: "Fear Factor" being sued

    You know, I heard this on the news this evening.......can anyone say "frivilous" lawsuit?

    If he wins, I'm suing the Price is Right for a shopping addiction! lol!

  4. #4

    Default Re: "Fear Factor" being sued

    lets make it a class action lawsuit

  5. Default Re: "Fear Factor" being sued

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    You know, I heard this on the news this evening.......can anyone say "frivilous" lawsuit?

    If he wins, I'm suing the Price is Right for a shopping addiction! lol!
    We could add the owner of a competing message board for violation of the first amendment.

  6. #6
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Thumbs down Re: "Fear Factor" being sued

    Fear factor has been on for what 3 years now????Everyone knows by now what that show is all about, I agree this jackass knew exactly what that second segment entails(or entrails)he he if he has that weak of a stomach than he could have um lets see channge the channel? You watch the judge will throw him out on his weak stomach.LOL


  7. Default Re: "Fear Factor" being sued

    I'd rather sue them for causing me to lose brain cells, but I can't prove that...this guy's a moron....

  8. #8
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: "Fear Factor" being sued

    Its just a moron who is trying to make a quick buck. Probrably one of those people that never takes any kind of responsibility for his own actions, blames a company for it, and then tries to sue the heck out of them. Seems to be quite a few of them out there.

  9. Default Re: "Fear Factor" being sued

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterWolf
    Its just a moron who is trying to make a quick buck. Probrably one of those people that never takes any kind of responsibility for his own actions, blames a company for it, and then tries to sue the heck out of them. Seems to be quite a few of them out there.
    There are a lot of wealthy people who became that way by suing for causes of action as in this one. I wish I could find a few to sue.

    To quote the television series "Newhart." "How did you get so rich?" "I am a suer." "A suer?" "Yes. I sue people for a living."

  10. #10

    Default Re: "Fear Factor" being sued

    I say there's a 99-100% chance that this lawsuit gets thrown out.

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