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Thread: 7 Pounds

  1. Default 7 Pounds

    Very good movie, IMO. Very different and makes you really think throughout the movie. I will normally watch a movie and within hours forget about it (minus the one liners in funny movies), not this one. I love how they didn't tell you much in the reviews ( I assume on purpose) and made you go into the movie not really knowing what to expect.

    Anyone else seen it? Thoughts?

  2. Default Re: 7 Pounds

    I saw it... I love Will Smith, he is awesome. He did a great job.

    I wanted to love this movie...but I ended up only 'liking' it.. it left me feeling kind of sad..... that's all I'm saying.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. Thumbs down Re: 7 Pounds

    This movie was terrible. The "twist" ending is easy to guess about 30 minutes in, if you don't get it in the first couple minutes. And once you do know the secret, you lose all interest in the characters.

    5/10 or C


    What Smith's character did is a total copout. He could have impacted a lot more than 7 lives by not killing himself and hurting those that loved him.

  4. Default Re: 7 Pounds

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    This movie was terrible. The "twist" ending is easy to guess about 30 minutes in, if you don't get it in the first couple minutes. And once you do know the secret, you lose all interest in the characters.

    5/10 or C


    What Smith's character did is a total copout. He could have impacted a lot more than 7 lives by not killing himself and hurting those that loved him.
    I have to disagree, but hey, that's how it goes. Also, didn't he have cancer himself, therefore was going to die pretty soon?

  5. Default Re: 7 Pounds

    I didn't get that impression.

  6. Default Re: 7 Pounds

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I didn't get that impression.
    I could be wrong, but I thought he had cancer. At the end, I thought his brother had said something to that effect, thus part of the reason he carried through his plan...

  7. Default Re: 7 Pounds

    I was wondering about that too... but then I wondered if he could have donated any organs if he was sick.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. #8

    Default Re: 7 Pounds

    The BROTHER had had lung cancer, which was the impetus that started the Will Smith character's "chain" of behavior, if you will.

    I agree with Jbrown. I figured out the twist about 30 mins into it and really lost patience with the film. It was too slowly paced, and while it was very sad at the end (you knew he had already made his decision), I felt frustrated with it.

    I was just glad it wasn't overly-maudlin.

    On another note, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE is/was absolutely brilliant!

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