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Thread: Is anything going on out there?

  1. #1

    Default Is anything going on out there?

    I've been through here in the last few months and it seems like nothing new is happening. Maybe I'm wrong? Updates or new hotels, shopping centers, buildings? Seems like crickets lately. Is Bricktown in a lull period?

  2. Default Re: Is anything going on out there?

    Site work has begun on the project on the Zio's block.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Is anything going on out there?

    Site work has been going on for weeks on this project. They recently re-surfaced the Bricktown Water Tower and placed it back on the building, and they are doing other work on this project.

    ourulz2000, keep in mind the national economy is VERY tight, especially in lending on prospective building and development. OKC has much more going on right now than cities much larger. Patience danielson..... Look at Detroit or the Rust Belt, some smaller towns are filing for bankruptcy (cities and towns!), Detroit could be in a world of hurt if one of the BIG 3 or all 3 go under, and right now it sure doesn't look good for any of them. They're wanting a $25 BILLION bailout + other pork.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Default Re: Is anything going on out there?

    They should put a scoreboard or ticker on the water tower for NBA games.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Is anything going on out there?

    They should put a scoreboard or ticker on the water tower for NBA games.
    An excellent idea. Do any other NBA cities do this?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Is anything going on out there?

    They've been playing the games on the outdoor movie screens at TBK's. I was walking by last night and noticed.

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