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Thread: Speed Dating

  1. Default Speed Dating

    Heard different views on this. Never have done this, but have checked into it. Really thinking about giving it a shot. Anyone ever done this??

  2. Default Re: Speed Dating


    I hated it.

    And I loved it.

    Aaaaand it was worthless. Seemed like you could only do decently if you talked like a car salesman that was told he had to sell a car in 5 minutes or he was fired.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Speed Dating

    well, in essence, weren't you?

  4. Default Re: Speed Dating

    Yeah...But by and large, I can't stand salespeople.

    I prefer to woo mah wimmins in a less wham-bam way. You know...Slow...Sexy like.



  5. #5

    Default Re: Speed Dating

    I want to try it too. Where do they have one here?

    I pretty much know within 5 minutes of meeting someone whether I like them or not anyway.

  6. Default Re: Speed Dating

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    I want to try it too. Where do they have one here?

    I pretty much know within 5 minutes of meeting someone whether I like them or not anyway.
    Here is some info. Doesn't look like there is anything in the near future for younger singles. Maybe December??

    Cupid.com/PreDating Speed Dating Singles Events Scheduled in Oklahoma City

  7. Default Re: Speed Dating

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post

    I hated it.

    And I loved it.

    Aaaaand it was worthless. Seemed like you could only do decently if you talked like a car salesman that was told he had to sell a car in 5 minutes or he was fired.
    Mind me asking if you went by yourself or with a friend. I really don't have any single friends that want to try this, and the main reason I haven't is I'm afraid it would be way too uncomfortable. What was the atmosphere like?

  8. Default Re: Speed Dating

    Let me know when speed dumping becomes available.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Speed Dating

    Oh god...if I were young and single I would slit my throat...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Speed Dating

    Quote Originally Posted by windowphobe View Post
    Let me know when speed dumping becomes available.
    Its called a text message.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Speed Dating

    > Its called a text message.

    CUL8R ... NOT!

  12. Default Re: Speed Dating

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    Mind me asking if you went by yourself or with a friend. I really don't have any single friends that want to try this, and the main reason I haven't is I'm afraid it would be way too uncomfortable. What was the atmosphere like?
    If you've got problems walking up to a very attractive woman in a bar, then you're going to have problems in almost any situation where they're thrust into your face and conversation is required. I don't have a problem talking to people, and meeting women isn't something I've sucked at since I was 19 or so. But it's a numbers game...The higher the number, the greater chance of finding the "one". So I went.

    I went alone, and it was a bunch of very nervous people trying to not look nervous. For me, it was awkward. We did a round robin thing and shifted people every 5-7 minutes. I kid you not, some women were taking notes and asking some questions that just aren't things I talk about, like one girl's first question was how much money I made. (I asked it right back and didn't got an answer about how it's none of my business!) I felt like a 3rd grader being called on the carpet. The dynamic was all wonky too...VERY geared towards "protecting" the women.

    I "loved it" because (as has been mentioned here) I usually DO know in the first 5 minutes if they're potential g/f material and because as awkward as it may have been...It's over very fast. You also get better at it very quickly.

    I just didn't like being told whom to talk to, when to talk to them, and for how long. Maybe I have control issues.

    Oh...And for the record, internet dating is MILES better.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Speed Dating

    Why don't you guys try organizing this?

    I knew an ol gal a few years ago (not in OKC) that organized this and pulled around an easy $700 for an afternoon of work one Saturday a month. And she met guys as well.

  14. Default Re: Speed Dating

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetNSourPoke View Post
    Why don't you guys try organizing this?

    I knew an ol gal a few years ago (not in OKC) that organized this and pulled around an easy $700 for an afternoon of work one Saturday a month. And she met guys as well.
    That doesn't sound legal!

    And I can't do this, I'm no longer single

  15. #15

    Default Re: Speed Dating

    You could still organize one, your kindness back to those who are single.

    However, given the time involved in securing a location, publicity, countless phone and email questions, likely a reasonable spread of sincere, lame and even downright creepy, working the registrations, fee collections, arranging for facility setup, refreshments, note pads, pens, nametags, yada, yada, the opening intros, hosting, oversight of tear down, the multiple followups on who wants to make further contact with who, etc., etc., etc. it all strikes me as a tad more than one Saturday a week would be involved.

    There are simpler ways to clear 700.00

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