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Thread: dog- friendly places

  1. #1

    Default dog- friendly places

    My husband and I like to take our dog with us on weekends - to run errands, walk at the park, have lunch.

    We have found a few places with a patio that are okay with her hanging out and sitting under the table while we eat.

    How do most of you feel about restaurants being pet-friendly?
    I spend vacations in Austin and see pets with people everywhere ...
    we are trying to socialize our girl (to people & other animals) as much as possible - trips to petsmart, introductions to dogs on walks, eventually a dog park (we are working up to that and hoping to find a day/time that is not over crowded)

    she is a street rescue from last summer so she has some shy issues and we hope socializing to other humans and eventually animals will help.

    I wonder if other people are un-nerved by pets being allowed on a restaurant patio.

  2. #2

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    A couple of places I go are pet-friendly. I have no qualms about it.

    Correction: I have a qualms when someone deliberately brings an aggressive dog along. I've only seen that happen a couple of times, though.

  3. Default Re: dog- friendly places

    I wish, wish WISH more were pet friendly. I would love to be able to take my little guy like I can to a couple of places in Dallas.

  4. Default Re: dog- friendly places

    tburn, I completely agree with you! I'd love to have more places to take my dog that are pet-friendly for the exact same reasons as you. My girl is getting better, but she's so shy sometimes and I want to get her out and about so badly.

    If you hear about anywhere else that's okay with dogs, please post. Dog parks are a little out of her league right now.

    I have heard that the Starbuck's at Memorial and Penn is okay about dogs in the patio area.
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  5. #5

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Restaurants are no place for a dog IMO. Tame well mannered whatever there just is no reason to have a dog at a restaurant.

  6. #6

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Oklahoma City is still not very dog-friendly when compared to more metropolitan cities in the US, and especially when compared to Europe, especially France, where dogs are welcome just about everywhere. Of course, there is also a reason why people are always looking down at the sidewalk when they walk, and it's not because they are being rude.

    Of course, once again, a lot of this has to do with our largely "suburban" environment. People aren't accustomed to seeing them at even sidewalk cafes, so there's still a lot of negative reaction to it.

    A few patios I've taken my pooches to include:

    Sauced (in the Paseo)
    Deep Deuce Grill (patio only)

    I believe someone in Norman just recently opened up her own Pet Cafe, so that helps, too.

    Whatever you do, take your own dog stuff with you - including water bowl, treats and plastic bags to clean up.

    I've already noticed that while many of our downtown residents are very good about cleaning up after their dogs, there are some (and yes I see them regularly), who choose just to let it go! One of these days I'm going to say something.

  7. Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Quote Originally Posted by dalelakin View Post
    Restaurants are no place for a dog IMO. Tame well mannered whatever there just is no reason to have a dog at a restaurant.
    To many people, their pets are part of their family and they want to be able to take their dogs with them when they go places.

    I'd rather have a bunch of dogs in a restaurant than screaming children. At least the dog won't throw food.
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  8. #8

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy View Post
    To many people, their pets are part of their family and they want to be able to take their dogs with them when they go places.

    I'd rather have a bunch of dogs in a restaurant than screaming children. At least the dog won't throw food.
    Have you experienced food throwing by kids in a restaurant or just being silly?

  9. #9

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    I would not suggest bringing a dog inside a restaurant, but I think a casual patio and a well behaved dog is nice!

    Screaming children will quell my appetite every time.

    Sauced & Deep Deuce are 2 we have gone as well.
    once at Flips when it wasn't crowded, and Mamasita's too!

    this is all with the assumption that the dog is clean and pest free and not a nuisance! I would be annoyed by a whiner or yapper.

  10. #10

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy View Post
    To many people, their pets are part of their family and they want to be able to take their dogs with them when they go places.

    I'd rather have a bunch of dogs in a restaurant than screaming children. At least the dog won't throw food.
    I don't know about that...my dog throws food at me all the time. She has extremely poor manners. We can't take her anywhere, even if it was permissible. Even so, it would be nice to be able to eat better than fast food or takeout when we travel with our dogs. I'm hoping someday when we no longer have our Jack Russell, we might be able to show our faces in public again and maybe, just maybe, we can take our more civilized Schnauzer out to a restaurant patio and actually get to enjoy our meals while we travel.

  11. Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Quote Originally Posted by jsibelius View Post
    I don't know about that...my dog throws food at me all the time. She has extremely poor manners.
    Oh wow. That's just sad. Point taken.

    I would not suggest bringing a dog inside a restaurant, but I think a casual patio and a well behaved dog is nice!
    And yes, not IN the restaurant, but definately on a casual patio. Ohhh...sounds lovely.

    If I recall correctly, Louie's Lakeside will allow dogs on their patio, too.
    Last edited by sweetdaisy; 09-09-2008 at 05:47 PM. Reason: additional thoughts
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  12. #12

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    When I lived in Idaho we had at least 2 dogs (including mine) at work every day.
    It was supposed to be a very dog friendly town but they had no dog parks. I was told to take Molly to the foothills, it's one big dog park. If I let my dog go with no boundaries, I would never see her. People took their dogs with them a lot but I still did not see dogs inside public buildings unless it was Petsmart, etc. same as here. Whenever I take Molly to the dog park at Hefner, I try to swing over to the Dog Bakery on May. They welcome dogs.

  13. #13

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Quote Originally Posted by CCOKC View Post
    Whenever I take Molly to the dog park at Hefner, I try to swing over to the Dog Bakery on May. They welcome dogs.
    tell more about the dog bakery on May!

    name? location?
    high quality treats?

  14. #14

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    found it.
    Barking Dog Bakery
    7710 N May

    barkingdogbakeryokc dot com

    the website idoesn't have much info, is still in the works ...
    Looks like they do birthday cakes, did you notice healthy treats too?

  15. #15

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner but I have a tax deadline Monday and am totally swamped. Anyway, the owner of the dog bakery is totally into healthy for dogs. The treats she makes herself in house. My dog who passed away last year loved the Snickerpoodles the best. My current dog doesn't care for the cookies too much but if you bring your dog the owner will give you free trials to see which ones your dog prefers. My dog loves the pig cheek chews. These are wonderful and she sometimes has a hard time keeping these in stock. She also carries the big bags of Hip Action. Anybody with large dogs knows what these are all about. These chews extended my dog's quality of life for a few years.
    Hope this info helps.

  16. #16

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Yes there's a place in Norman called the Pet Cafe. It is connected to a Java Dave's. The back part of the store has all kinds of animal food, treats, toys, etc. The front part of the place is a little cafe. There are tables that have little dog-food holders built into the base. They will bring you both a human and a dog menu and you and your dog can both enjoy a treat there. It's kind of a cool idea.

  17. Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Quote Originally Posted by dalelakin View Post
    Restaurants are no place for a dog IMO. Tame well mannered whatever there just is no reason to have a dog at a restaurant.
    Dogs should never be IN a restaurant. I'm thinking more out on a patio having beers.

  18. #18

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    Dogs should never be IN a restaurant. I'm thinking more out on a patio having beers.
    I've seen plenty of dogs out on the patios having beers. But you're talking about the hairy, barking variety, right?

  19. Default Re: dog- friendly places

    Quote Originally Posted by jsibelius View Post
    I've seen plenty of dogs out on the patios having beers. But you're talking about the hairy, barking variety, right?

    nice job.
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  20. #20

    Default Re: dog- friendly places

    I think too much of my pets to subject any of them to some of the inane sots who are incapable of just having a nice evening in public.

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