As I work on changing my blog's template to include newer features which are not available in my existing template, I've put up sort of a guessing game from some 1903 Chamber of Commerce photos while that template update is being worked on, for those interested.
For example, #1 is:
# 1 - Where was this 1903 panorama taken from?
I've thrown in a couple of 1903 ads from the 1903 COC book, just for fun!
#7 & 8 -- Advertisements
The book contained advertisements for local shops, including the frisky Southern Club, not shown here. But here are a pair I thought you might enjoy.
Since the frisky Southern Club was also featured in the 1903 book as a valued member of the Chamber, that fact, combined with the above ad for bathroom fixtures, my thought is that those facts provide an interesting perspective as to what was "OK" in 1903.
See Doug Dawgz Blog: Trouble Note and Guessing Game for a few more.