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Thread: New at the Zoo!!

  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default New at the Zoo!!

    I just learned that the new train that will be built this fall at the Zoo will be called the Centennial Choo-Choo, since it's being built as one of the state's centennial projects. Also, new to the zoo in late August will be swan shaped paddle boats on Northeast Lake!

  2. Default Re: New at the Zoo!!

    Will this train rival the trains at Disneyland and Disneyworld? If so, they will really be nice.

    Add either motors or engines (there is a difference) to the Swans and you may have me. Paddle boats take a lot of energy.

  3. Default Re: New at the Zoo!!

    It's great they're finally allowing visitors to enjoy the lake...by the way, what does the front entrance look like?
    Continue the Renaissance

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: New at the Zoo!!

    Hey floater.....The front entrance is really hard to describe. You'll just have to drive by and see it next time you're in town. In a nut shell though, it's pretty massive and draws you into a center court area, surrounded by the gift shop, restrooms, offices, etc. The center court features gardens and benches and is tiled with a world globe image. I'm not realy giving it the justice it deserves! You'll have to check it out next time you're in town!

    I was also glad to hear that they're finally putting the lake to some good use. It's such an asset to the zoo!

    In regards to the train, I don't think it will be full sized like at Disney Land. I think it will be more similar to the one at Frontier City.

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