Well, I'm not much for drama, but I promised the staff at the Park Harvey and Gardner Tenenbaum that I would be telling my story to as many people as I could if they would not work with me, so here it is.
I currently live in the Classen Tower. It's been great, the staff has been great, and I basically have zero complaints other than the sirens at night (and that's no one's fault). I was looking to move out, as my roommate is getting married, and I looked into the Park Harvey due to its location and my positive experience with the Classen.
After looking at several places and visiting the PH multiple times, I sat down with a leasing agent at the PH to talk about prices and application. I was told verbally that the $50 "administrative fee" was non-refundable, but the $150 "deposit" was refundable. This seemed off to me, and I was not yet comfortable giving a deposit as I was only about 80% sure about wanting to live there. However, after I was once again verbally assured that the deposit was refundable if I gave early enough notice of my change of heart. I believe her exact words were "as long as you don't wait until, like, right before you're supposed to move in to tell us." Due to this false misrepresentation, we zoom through the paperwork so I can get back to the office (I bet you can see where this is going now...)
That was on 5/6/08. My move-in date was set at June 27th. (Relevant info- they offer to hold apartments for free for "30-45 days" without a deposit anyway!) I had not yet signed any lease. On May 14th (barely a week later, and approx. 6 weeks before move-in), I requested my deposit back, minus the $50 administrative fee that I was told was non-refundable.
I was denied this request. I asked why, and they stated the form said it was not refundable in this manner. Well, the form does indeed say this. I tell them- hey, I was lied to by your leasing agent, I think I deserve at least a portion, if not all of my deposit back. We go back and forth for a bit, and then I demand that if I don't get my deposit back that I should receive the value for which it was given (namely- hold that apartment open and NOT leased until my move-in date in case I decide to take it). They will NOT confirm that they will hold the apartment open, nor will they offer any portion of the deposit back. She then proceeds to ignore my emails.
These discussions were with the building manager (no need to name names). I acquire her boss's name and email, and put a call into him. I inform the building manager that I have done so and THEN she responds to my email (of course). She finally claims she doesn't have the authority to refund my deposit...which is probably a lie, but I don't know that for sure, so I just tell her that's fine and I'll be taking it up with her supervisor.
So, enter supervisor- I email him ALL the email threads that have been created. He says he's going to fax me a copy of the applicaiton, but I tell him I am sure that he is correct and that it says it's not reundable in that manner, but that the point is I was fraudulently induced into signing the application and giving the deposit in an unlawful manner (which is true). I never receive the fax (he might have sent it, who knows). I email him again today, asking for his attention to this matter, and he faxes the copy of the application, which I receive. I email him saying that- I already agreed with you that it says what it says; the problem is that I was lied to in signing it. I further explained that what happened was unlawful, and you can't play "gotcha" with contracts by lying to induce someone to sign it. He responds with "I talked to XXX and YYY (the leasing agent that lied to me and also the building manager) and found no evidence of a misrepresentation."
Well, of course that's a little offensive to imply I am lying over $150. Honestly, I don't need the money. It's just that I was lied to and these apartment towers and complexes always play hide the ball with deposits. I have been a good tenant with rent on-time, every time with their company at the Classen for over 7 months, but apparently that holds no water with them. They won't even agree to hold my apartment open and unleased at this point. I have told them that what is happening is fraudulent, and could carry a remedy of punitive damages should I decide to press my case. Obviously, it's not worth the time so much, but they should realize the positions they have created.
So, said all that to say this: not that you didn't already know that apartment management is often money-grubbing and shady when it comes to deposits, but the Park Harvey's staff is at LEAST incompetent in relations, maybe just DISHONEST to a degree, and possibly as bad as COMPLETELY IMMORAL and UNALWFUL when it comes to the acquisition of deposits and your name on the bottom line.
If you have any questions, feel free to respond in this thread or to PM me.