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Thread: jesus dolphins

  1. Default jesus dolphins

    this is the funniest thing I have ever read...have a look! LOL

    The Wall Street Journal Online - Peggy Noonan

  2. #2
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: jesus dolphins

    Damn, that's from 2001. You don't get out much do you?

  3. Default Re: jesus dolphins

    No never. I can almost guarantee that you are a "christian" by your response though. Get out enough to know thats how you guys react to controversial things like this. Let me give you a tip. Next time you go to your bible class, ask the teacher about the golden rule or something..that is if the rock 'n roll band isn't blaring the "praise 'n worship" too loud for anyone to talk to each other....

  4. #4
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: jesus dolphins

    You couldn't be more laughably wrong if you tried, something I'm sure you're used to.

    The whole point of your "funniest thing" post is just to bait the Christians here into a lame argument over a few lines in a seven year old article. I'm sensing a lot of hate and resentment here. What's wrong, didn't Father Flannigan give you enough "attention" as a Choir Boy? I'm sure your articles concerning Islam and Hinduism are equally hysterical! Hoo boy, I can't wait!

  5. #5

    Default Re: jesus dolphins

    Are you seriously bringing this up now Blazerfan??? Can you honestly look at America today, or the world for that matter, and think that this is still a big enough problem to talk about? And still bashing Bill Clinton?? Come on, he got a blow job in the White House and sent a Cuban boy BACK to his country. So what! Why don't we talk about the thousands of young Americans who have died in Iraq and other countries under George W.

  6. Default Re: jesus dolphins

    No, I am posting this because people still take this woman seriously, OCPA just brought her to town a month ago.

    And this has nothing to do with Clinton. Monica was nothing compared to his real crimes, namely the brutal sanctions on Iraq that killed at LEAST 500,000...NAFTA, the 96 telecom act which pretty much created FOX news, etc...

  7. #7

    Default Re: jesus dolphins

    I read the article and it appears to me that it does have something to do with Clinton, basically calling him a coward for sending the boy back to Cuba; and putting Regan on a pedestal, saying he was a real "man" and would have handled the situation better. In his last term, Regan didn't even know where he was half the time. He was totally disconnected from his job.

  8. Default Re: jesus dolphins

    If you judge Reagan, he was a crazed satanic freak...(the slaughter in Nicaragua was unforgivable, if you've read the declassified CIA documents you'll never stop throwing up)....not the good Christian man he was. But that is asking far too much.
    The Elian issue wasn't really partisan, recall Steve Largent speaking out for Elian to go back to Cuba.

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