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Thread: Fox Lake Wal Mart Question

  1. Default Fox Lake Wal Mart Question

    Has having the Wal-Mart so close to the housing developments in east Edmond, such as Fox Lake, affected the quality of life in a negative way since it opened...increased traffic, etc.? Just wondering, as we are looking at that area for a relocation.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fox Lake Wal Mart Question

    Well considering it was my Dad who fought it so much I feel like I should answer this question. It is shielded from the neighborhood by a retention wall and a forest preserve between the lake and the store that the neighborhood association negotiated into the deal. So as far as quality of life it hasn't changed much. It's also nice to have a grocery store nearby of course. If you would like to speak with someone more about it feel free to call Judy Langdon (my mother) who is a realtor for Prudential and lives with my Dad in Fox Lake at 405-590-1134.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Fox Lake Wal Mart Question

    .oO(momma would be proud of her lil' charlie hustle)Oo.

  4. Default Re: Fox Lake Wal Mart Question

    Thanks, that's nice to know.

  5. Default Re: Fox Lake Wal Mart Question

    Does anyone know what they are putting in north of the Wal-Mart? They have been moving dirt and laying pipelines in there for a while now.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Fox Lake Wal Mart Question

    @worthy, I don't know definite plans but I think the developer has asked for several extensions from the City and received another 6 mos extension a few days/week(s) ago ... and he had asked for another 1 yr ext. Will be interesting to see what happens.

    Also, issue with the digging etc was that they had some problems with the depth of their sewer or water lines and missed their mark and my understanding is they had to go back in and lower the lines ... or something to that affect. When they kept digging, they hit hard rock and it took a longer period of time etc to get it done.

    I'm assuming it's some sort of retail/strip shopping mall ... small/medium sized power center is my guess - guess only!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Fox Lake Wal Mart Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Celebrator View Post
    Has having the Wal-Mart so close to the housing developments in east Edmond, such as Fox Lake, affected the quality of life in a negative way since it opened...increased traffic, etc.? Just wondering, as we are looking at that area for a relocation.
    It has definitely increased traffic on 15th street.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Fox Lake Wal Mart Question

    Why would anyone build a high end housing additions near one of the busiest interstates in the nation and complain when progress comes to their door step? This is like buidling a house along the flight path of O'hare International or LAX and complaining about the noise ten years later.

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