In a word, AWESOME!

I went to Blue Man Group a few weeks ago, and I want a refund from those Blue B4stards! I only paid $12 for the Cowboy Mouth show and had very little voice left by the end of the show from all the yelling!

Cowboy Mouth put on a highly energetic and funny show. I really didn't know many of their songs, but they played for 2 straight hours! Fred Leblanc, Lead Singer and Drummer, came out into the audience after the first song and told everybody to "act like you did when you were 5 years old". He even got on top of a table and "encouraged" a wallflower to start clapping his hands. He was definitely a great entertainer, singer, and percussionist.

Funniest new song of theirs: "Kelly Rippa, Kelly Rippa, she's gotta a body like strippa!"

The one song I know you will all recognize of theirs is the hit they had from about 10+ years ago. "Jenny Says"

"Jenny says turn off the radio
Jenny says turn off the light
Jenny says turn off the video
You beat yourself up to bring yourself down
Let it go, let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go, let it go
When the world keeps coming down on me
I let it go"

Cowboy Mouth :: Official Web Site :: Voodoo Shoppe

Hopefully, they'll be back!