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Thread: New building in Bricktown - Brewer

  1. #1

    Default New building in Bricktown - Brewer

    OK, so the construction on this site is well under way, I don't have a current picture but this was taken in 12/2006, showing a picture of the design currently being constructed:

    After going down there and taking a closer look at this today, I was thrown by a few things. In comparing the buildings current alignment with the neighboring structures to the proposed finished rendering, it looks like the facade will be at least a couple of feet in front of all the rest of the buildings on that street, which happen to all be flush or nearly so with each other. Right now it doesn't have any brick at all and is already flush. Such a seemingly minor thing, imo, could really look weird. Another thing that appeared sloppy(which may be corrected, I don't know), is that the east side is about 6 inches forward of the west side. If this remains, the brick line will be slightly off parallel with the street and sidewalk.

    Anyone have any insight on this?

  2. #2

    Default Re: New building in Bricktown - Brewer

    What do you expect for a Brewer project??

  3. Default Re: New building in Bricktown - Brewer

    I just saw this today, had camera in hand, and I didn't even snap any pictures.. should have. This building is an example of poor craftsmanship. It looks horrible.

  4. #4

    Default Re: New building in Bricktown - Brewer

    I saw it recently. Regarding the unfinished building being flush with the other two buildings, my thought is that they are probably going to put some of that fake glue on brick on the front of the building. They definitely don't have enough room for real brick at this point.

  5. Default Re: New building in Bricktown - Brewer

    I'll be over that way tomorrow for the NCAA tournament.. i'll see if I can't snap a few pictures on my way down Sheridan.

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