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Thread: Read this about the Sonics Organization...

  1. Default Read this about the Sonics Organization...


    Could it be that the OWNERS OF THE SONICS, who wanted our new arena have perhaps given OKLAHOMA CITY a BIG LEAGUE SCREW JOB?


    A group calling itself "A Better Way Oklahoma" appears ready to launch an all-out attack on the state's new immigration law that began life as Rep. Randy Terrill's House Bill 1804.

    Word of the group's formation came today in an interview in The Oklahoman in which Tom Price Jr., senior vice president of corporate development for Chesapeake Energy, discusses the new law. The thrust of the article is that Leadership Oklahoma City alumni invited Terrill and others to a Wednesday debate on the bill, but none "were able to participate."

    Purpose of the luncheon, it was reported, was to examine 1804 and "give its supporters an opportunity to clarify some aspects of the bill."

    It was apparent at the luncheon, the newspaper reports, that "some within the city's business community are ready to publicly oppose the statute."

    That's no surprise; in February, The State Chamber, U. S. Chamber of Commerce and others filed a lawsuit that claims the law puts unfair and unreasonable burdens on Oklahoma employers and there have been rumblings that a group like A Better Way Oklahoma was being formed with "millions" in donations from prominent business leaders who agree with Price that something should be done about the law.

    U. S. Senator Jim Inhofe, among those pushing for new federal laws on immigration, said he believes those behind the group should wait. "If I were to send a message to those business leaders, I'd say at least give us a chance," he said of efforts at the federal level.

    "Randy (Terrill) has shown us one way of dealing with this crisis," Price said. "But unfortunately, this is like a classroom and the wrong guy raised his hand to answer the question."

    Price said the group will sponsor town hall meetings across the state to "assess citizen input and concerns."

    In OTHER WORDS: It would appear that CHESAPEAKE , in this case represented by VP TOM PRICE, who is one of the owners of the SONICS, has decided to lead a battle to overturn Oklahoma ’s OVERWHELMINGLY POPULAR and nationally modeled anti-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION bill.

    There were some…and I in fact was at first ONE of those who considered NOT SUPPORTING the ARENA TAX VOTE because of the idiotic lawsuit by the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, attempting to overturn the law.

    I backed off that position because I thought, no reason to screw the city because of the Chamber’s move.

    However…I swear to you…IF I HAD KNOWN FOR SURE that the one of the companies involved in the SUPERSONICS was going to unleash this PRO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION move ….AND INTENTIONALLY THE DAY AFTER THEY GOT THEIR ARENA OVERHAUL APPROVED….I would have told them to take their team and stick in one of their billionaires butts.

    And the more I think about this I HAVE GOT TO BELIEVE that SOME POLITICIANS INVOLVED in pushing the arena tax KNEW that the SONICS owners, or at least one of them, was about to pour MILLIONS OF DOLLARS into making OKLAHOMA an ILLEGAL ALIEN HAVEN.

    IF I can find out that indeed they did….and I can prove it….I will let you know WHO they were, and we’ll make sure those politicians don’t get elected again.

    So, in a nutshell, one of the owners of the SONICS appears to be spending MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to make OKLAHOMA CITY a HAVEN FOR ILLEGALS!

    This was borrowed from MarkShannon.com.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Read this about the Sonics Organization...

    I fail to see how the two issues are even remotely related. So the owners support a new arena for basketball as well as illegal immigration.

    I don't see how who they [the chamber crowd] are is even remotely relevant here. They're going to have a very hard time succeeding here with a lobbying effort. They don't always win -- as you might recall, McClendon was VERY upset when the tort reform bill was vetoed last year.

    The legislature is no doubt perfectly happy to let this one get shot down in the courts rather than to take the heat themselves. 1804 is a good bill in my opinion. It's good for Oklahoma and it's good for a lot of other states, but I just don't think it's constitutional for two reasons:

    1) Preempted by federal law; and
    2) (this is kind of an out-there theory, but I'd put it on a brief) -- That the Constitution gives the power to regulate immigration to the federal government, not the states. Since the power ain't granted to the states, the states don't have the power -- sort of like interstate commerce.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Read this about the Sonics Organization...

    I agree with Midtowner that the arena improvements tax and "illiegal immigration" are distinct issues; trying to tie them together in some conspiratorial way is the kind of sensationalist crap that fuels those scandal sheets at the checkout counter.
    I have no personal knowledge of the positon that Chesapeake management has on 1804, but it is hardly a secret that many business leaders oppose it. I'm certainly no business leader but believe the bill to be flawed. At any rate, you can be for the arena tax and against 1804 or against the arena tax and for 1804, for both or against both. They are separate issues.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Read this about the Sonics Organization...

    If I could bottle just some of the hot air associated with that bill, from both sides of the coin, I could hold a balloon party that would make Arizonian's weep with envy. Sheeeesh

  5. Default Re: Read this about the Sonics Organization...

    SoonerQueen, do you know a Major?

  6. Default Re: Read this about the Sonics Organization...

    I'm not sure if I know any Major's.

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