Re: Dead Cities
Kerry (and Karried), I agree.
I think BDP is confusing your/our saying SF is dead thinking we mean it from a young adult POV. From my prospective, that is not what Im saying.. SF is the biggest urban center on the west coast, outside of LA and Vancouver; and certainly SF has the biggest downtown retail on the west coast period (although I think downtown Vancouver might be bigger also).
But I think what we are trying to say is that SF is dead because it is priced out of the range for families/young people to 'grow up' there. The pending construction is for office, retail, and top condo markets - none for the average joe and his wife and kid.
sure, going downtown SF is an urban HIP paradise - especially from a shopping point of view, but you NEVER see little girls with their mom and dad unless they come from the suburbs and usually they only go to chinatown.
While this may not be dead in the sense of saying dt SF is folding shop, it shows that SF is not a live/work/play city (the first being missing for most people). DT OKC on the other hand, not as big or as an attraction as SF but it is alive because people are beginning to live in OKC's dt. OKC has the work and play, so with housing coming on and families coming in; DT OKC is becoming a live/work/play center - they are even considering new elementary and high schools for downtown OKC; same can't be said for DT SF or DT SEA for that matter.
From BDP's reference tho, I do have to agree that DT OKC needs to catch up with the top urban retail and attractions that exist in DT SF and even DT SEA. In this regard, DT OKC does seem dead by comparison - so I think we need a balance; live/work/play with top attractions!!!
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!