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Thread: Toastmasters

  1. #1

    Default Toastmasters

    Can anyone recommend a Toastmasters meeting? I recently started a new job in a sales position, which I have never done before. I live in Moore but could go to one within a close proximity. Also if you know of any other type of function or class that would develop sales and marketing skills. I am considering attending Toastmasters as I think it would help me present myself better and build my confidence level.

  2. Default Re: Toastmasters

    You mean the "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it people like me" club?

  3. Default Re: Toastmasters

    What are you selling?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Toastmasters

    Exactly! Teach me to speak like I have a silver tongue club!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Toastmasters

    It is a web based media company that sells advertising to electrical manufacturers. A very awesome site.

  6. Default Re: Toastmasters

    I coached mortgage sales people, but sales is sales. Honestly, it's pretty simple, but not everyone is cut out for it. You can either sell or you can't. There are a million "sales coaches" out there that will show you the way for $10,000 of their product. Don't waste your money. Know what you are selling inside and out. Be prepared to overcome objections. People can smell desperation. Always, always answer your calls or return them within an hour. Don't be late. Don't spend too much money wining and dining until you know you have a deal, 99% of people will just take your gifts/dinners/drinks and never send you any business. Watch the top people in your field. What do they do to become successful? I have a really good template to start a business plan from one of the most successful mortgage dudes in the nation, it would work for you too. If you want a copy PM me your email address. It's a great way to start your business plan, I've even used it to help a painter friend of mine make his sales goals.

  7. Default Re: Toastmasters

    Oh yeah and REFERRALLS REFERRALS REFERRALS. Build an AMAZING database and keep notes on your meetings. Follow up with everyone in your datebase periodically but don't bombard them with boring newsletters and email. Keep track of who refers business to you so you can properly thank them, etc. A couple of really good referral sources will make your job a piece of cake.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Toastmasters

    Just reading your reply I can see why you succeeded. I will send you my email. Thank you for the advice and words of wisdom. My boss believes I have it but sometimes I just feel sooo inadequate!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Toastmasters

    Have you tried Toastmasters International's website? A quick trip to my friend Google found the following:

    Find a Club - Toastmasters International

    Put in your search criteria and I'm confident you'll find over a dozen in the metro area. There are also numerous sales/marketing/networking organizations in the metro, try BNI, Rotary, AEP, Leadership OKC (excellent!!), of course Toastmasters, in addition to American Marketing Association's local chapter, NYPA (New Young Professionals Association, PRSA (Public Relations Society of America), and dozens of other groups. Do a quick google search and you should be able to find info on all them.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Toastmasters

    Toastmasters would be great!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Toastmasters

    I did a search for Toastmasters and there are quite a few in the area including a few in Norman. I thought maybe someone had been to one they would particularly recommend. I think a good group would be good for my non-assertive side.

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