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Thread: Michael Vick-guilty or innocent-Suspend him?

  1. #1

    Default Michael Vick-guilty or innocent-Suspend him?

    I was wondering what others peoples's thoughts of the Michael Vick-alleged dog fighting charges.
    I personally want to have the Falcons suspend him,pending the outcome of his legal charges.
    I also believe he is innocent till proven guilty.
    What is your thoughts?

  2. Default Re: Michael Vick-guilty or innocent-Suspend him?

    Someone is horribly guilty of this atrocious act on his property. They claim there is video tape with him on it while it is being done. With 18 pages of indictments, he is only looking at around 6 years and about a 300k fine.

    Slap on the wrist.
    It makes my stomach turn and my skin crawl.

    An incident like that should be against high powered laws and acts. This was far more than merely abuse.

    Prez Bush signed a bill into office last year that makes it a Federal felony. All but 2 states have it as a felony, too.

    Whether he is guilty or not - doesn't matter any longer to all of the animals that were abused.

    A sick practice, indeed. I can not imagine how someone must view another human being when they would participate in something this barbaric.

    My son raised 3 Pits from puppies and they were treated very well and none of them were vicious. Popular, however, as they were all stolen. It drove me crazy to think what happened with them.

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