I am looking for an ATI Mobility Radeon 9800 256MB video card for a Dell Inspiron 9100 laptop. These are apparently pretty rare beasts, as I've not had much luck finding one on eBay or the 'net in general.
I just picked up a copy of Company of Heroes, and while the Radeon 9700 my box presently has is supported, it gasps having only 64MB of RAM and the game teeters on the edge of unplayable...I've never been much of a gamer, so I've not worried too much about having heavy-duty graphics ability, but its burning me now. I realize its a three-year-old box, but it's still a good performer with a 2.8Ghz CPU and 2GB of RAM, and I figure a couple hundred on a new video card is cheaper than $2K on a new laptop...
Thanks for any leads at all...feel free to respond to this thread, or you can even drop me a PM here or an email at