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Thread: Different faces, same deplorable tactics

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Different faces, same deplorable tactics

    If this isn't proof that we need to overhaul our two-party system, I don't know what else is. It doesn't matter which party is in power, the majority party tramples on the minority's rights and privileges. In essence, the politicians in power disenfranchise the voices of the U.S. population by stifling the efforts of their duly elected representatives. It's further evidence that power corrupts...
    Dems bend rules, break pledge
    By: Patrick O'Connor
    May 17, 2007 06:25 AM EST

    Democrats are wielding a heavy hand on the House Rules Committee, committing many of the procedural sins for which they condemned Republicans during their 12 years in power.

    So far this year, Democrats have frequently prevented Republicans from offering amendments, limited debate in the committee and, just last week, maneuvered around chamber rules to protect a $23 million project for Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.).

    On Wednesday, Democrats suggested changing the House rules to limit the minority's right to offer motions to recommit bills back to committee -- violating a protection that has been in place since 1822.
    Much of this heavy-handedness is standard procedure in the House, where the majority has every right to dominate, but it contradicts the many campaign promises Democratic leaders made last year to run a cleaner, more open Congress.

    Just last December, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) declared that Democrats "intend to have a Rules Committee ... that gives opposition voices and alternative proposals the ability to be heard and considered on the floor of the House."

    If this sounds familiar, it is. Republicans made similar promises in 1994, only to renege when they took control of the Congress in 1995.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Different faces, same deplorable tactics

    I've always found it interesting that when the US helps other nations rebuild their governance systems, be it WWII Japan or modern-day Iraq, they always go with something based on the British Parliamentarian approach.

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