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Thread: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtown

  1. #1

    Default COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtown

    Hopefully this will give us some sort of hard-number facts about our transit needs instead of just everyone's open opinion of, "We need transit." I'm pretty anxious to see the results.
    __________________________________________________ ______________________

    Central Oklahoma Transportation & Parking Authority
    300 SW 7th | Oklahoma City, OK 73109 | gometro.org

    Media Contact: Michael Scroggins, Public Information Manager
    Office: 405/297-2107 Mobile: 405/ 837-9510

    For Immediate Release
    October 21, 2010

    METRO Transit Receives TIGER II Grant
    U.S Department of Transportation Awards Nearly $600 million for 75 Projects

    OKLAHOMA CITY – The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced Wednesday that the Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority (COTPA) will receive a $378,000 “TIGER II” grant to perform an environmental assessment of the Greater Downtown Oklahoma City area.

    “An environmental analysis is a critical step forward in developing strategic transit options in the Downtown area. It will build on the results of the Alternatives Analysis (AA) study that is currently underway,” said COTPA Administrator, Rick Cain.

    The AA is designed to investigate and present solutions for addressing public transportation in a specific geographic area. The outcome of this study will result in a plan that recommends the most appropriate route and transit technologies for the greater downtown area. The objective of an environmental analysis ensures there is a balance of infrastructure, economic prosperity, health and environmental protection, community and neighborhood preservation, and quality of life when making decisions about initiating new transit infrastructure or making improvements to existing infrastructure.

    TIGER II grants were awarded to projects that have a significant impact on the nation, a region or metropolitan area. The projects chosen demonstrate their ability to contribute to the long-term economic competitiveness of the nation, improve the condition of existing transportation facilities and systems, increase energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improve the safety of U.S. transportation facilities and/or enhance the quality of living and working environments of communities through increased transportation choices and connections. The Department also gave priority to projects that are expected to create and preserve jobs quickly and stimulate rapid increases in economic activity.

    Upon the announcement of the 75 winning TIGER II Grant projects, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood described “them as indispensable--that's why DOT selected them from more than 1,000 applications requesting $19 billion. But, each of these TIGER II grant rewards true excellence, effective partnerships, and good stewardship of taxpayer dollars.” [1]

    About METRO Transit
    METRO Transit is a division of the Central Oklahoma Transportation & Parking Authority (COTPA). COTPA, a public trust administered by the City of Oklahoma City, is responsible for providing safe, efficient and convenient public transportation to the citizens of the greater Oklahoma City area.


  2. #2

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    COTPA shouldn't ever be in charge of significant amounts of money. That place is a black hole.

  3. #3

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    COTPA shouldn't ever be in charge of significant amounts of money. That place is a black hole.
    Amen to that. I wonder how many sacred cows/bulls will be gored by the study?

  4. #4

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    Quote Originally Posted by MustangGT View Post
    Amen to that. I wonder how many sacred cows/bulls will be gored by the study?
    None, never. COTPA as an entity is corrupt and operated solely for the benefit of the people connected to it. That they get to be in charge of anything is a virtual guarantee that it'll be a failure.

    Only COTPA could lose money on a downtown parking garage.

  5. #5

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    Thats what I mean. If COTPAS's agenda conflicts with some other groups sacred cow it is beyond doubt that COTPA will gore the sacred cow/bull of any group they (COTPA) disagree with.

  6. #6

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    What happens if Okc doesn't get the results they want from this assessment?

  7. #7

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    The assessment probably isn't necessary for anything but being a channel by which COTPA can give money to some well-connected individuals.

  8. #8

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    What happens if Okc doesn't get the results they want from this assessment?
    Then they will assess the assessment and come out with their own assessment.

  9. #9

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    These comments are unnecessarily toxic and irrelevant. This is a necessary next step in the federal process to make us eligible for Federal Funding to expand our modern streetcar system beyond the MAPS funding. The fact that we received this grant reflects positively that the Federal Transit Administration is aware and supports what we are doing.

    It bodes well for us and I for am glad to see that COTPA is doing their job and applying for these grants. Kudos to them for getting the money that would have gone to some other state. The amount for the study is even greater than the money we raised locally for the hub study and it is $378,000 less money that would have to come out of MAPS streetcar funding as we would have to go through this step anyways.

    OKC Talk is a great mechanism for educating a broad audience and soliciting divergent views. But this thread is unnecessarily "uncivil." COTPA has traditionally been underfunded and therefore it is easy to criticize some of their history. I have been one of the critics. Keep it civil and relevant people.

  10. #10

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    COTPA actually loses money on parking garages. They have zero credibility and a non-existent history of success.

  11. #11

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    COTPA actually loses money on parking garages. They have zero credibility and a non-existent history of success.
    I have no idea about their parking garages. Regarding their service history, it is undoubtedly checkered. They are underfunded and without any internal political influence to change their position. The City Council is the only body who can independently enhance operations by making tough funding decisions with other departments. Real independence and a dedicated funding source can dramatically enhance the transit situation in Central Oklahoma. That is why we are in discussions with stakeholders to consider developing a Regional Transit Authority. Right now, give them credit where it is due. Their planners/administrators did the right thing going after this money.

  12. #12

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    And history shows that they will blow it on a no-bid contract for a well-connected firm which will complete a study which will look nice on someone's shelf.

  13. Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    No need to be such a cynic, Midtowner. I concur with Urban Pioneer's remarks.

  14. #14

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    Okay then. Bring this thread back sometime next year and we'll see what sort of use this money has been put to.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    I always wonder why these threads have to turn into acidic childish accusations instead of adult like discussion.

  16. #16

    Default Re: COTPA receives a $378,000 grant to perform an "environment assessment" of downtow

    Nothing I have said is wrong. COTPA is a cesspool.

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