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Thread: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

  1. #126

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Mark Shannon is a shock jock. Plan and simple.

    He is saying what he wants to get good ratings. We are talking about him on here arent we? Best to just ignore him. People like him will just implode and spin out of control anyway, and then we will never hear from him again..

  2. #127

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I don't care for the man, either, but the "Markkk" stuff ceased being funny like oh, I don't know, forever ago.

  3. #128

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    I don't care for the man, either, but the "Markkk" stuff ceased being funny like oh, I don't know, forever ago.
    Nah, I think its pretty funny and accurate.

  4. #129

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Sorry Mattt...didn't mean to step on toes..Or did I come a little too close to home???

  5. #130

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    Sorry Mattt...didn't mean to step on toes..Or did I come a little too close to home???
    Yep, you got me. Mark's my best friend and has been ever since we met at our first klan meeting. So yeah, I'm taking this very personally.

    . . .Aaaaaand false. Don't flatter yourself--I'm not bothered by it in the least, I just think it's really stupid, that's all.

  6. #131

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I just listen to his show awhile ago, and he played a auto clip of a report from Fox 25 about the maps 3 thing again, he is now starting to get on my nerves about his thing against maps 3, he want I say about it, maps 3 has passed, its time to move on.

  7. #132

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I believe his point was how odd it was that the city leaders went all out on Maps3 and all of a sudden, now that it is a done deal, dang we are in financial trouble and have to lay off alot of people. Do you think it would have passed if it was common knowledge that they were going to implement layoffs after the first of the year?

  8. #133

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I remember Mayor MickCheese and city leaders were saying the police and fire fighters claims were not true and the city was doing fine and dandy. Now, all of this sudden the city is financial turmoil roughly 30-45 days later.

    I would understand a drastic turn if a major employer pulled out of OKC.

    Mickey, you have got some splaining to do....

    I think it is time to show this mayor the door in March.

  9. #134

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    But does he deserve to be pistol whipped or his house burnt down, like Mark Shannon threatened?
    Last edited by Martin; 01-25-2010 at 03:25 PM. Reason: learn to spell...

  10. #135

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I remember Mayor MickCheese and city leaders were saying the police and fire fighters claims were not true and the city was doing fine and dandy. Now, all of this sudden the city is financial turmoil roughly 30-45 days later.

    I would understand a drastic turn if a major employer pulled out of OKC.

    Mickey, you have got some splaining to do....

    I think it is time to show this mayor the door in March.
    The financial problems the City is experiencing is nothing new and was never hidden, there was considerable discussion about this pre and post the Maps3 election. Has/Was on the News, in the papers, on the INTERNET, etc;

    Mayor Cornett will win re-election in a land slide.

  11. #136

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    The union thugs have shown themselves inept at attacking something that is basically a name brand, nothing more.

    Good luck to them in taking on perhaps the most popular mayor in OKC history.

  12. #137

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Maybe it is just me but I think the budget problems on the horizon have never been a secret. I think if you have just read a paper every once in awhile over the past year none of this is a surprise.

    What many claimed was not true was that policemen and firefighters were telling people that if MAPS passed our public safety workers would be laid off. Which didn't happen.

  13. #138

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I think it's very likely some public safety personnel will be laid off. I don't know how the city will do a 12% budget cut without some police and fire cuts. It's inaccurate to say, of course, that MAPS3 caused this. It would be accurate, though, to say that city leaders (both governmental and non-governmental) could have thrown their influence behind finding public support for fixing the city's operating budget problem, but didn't.

  14. #139

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    I think it's very likely some public safety personnel will be laid off. I don't know how the city will do a 12% budget cut without some police and fire cuts. It's inaccurate to say, of course, that MAPS3 caused this. It would be accurate, though, to say that city leaders (both governmental and non-governmental) could have thrown their influence behind finding public support for fixing the city's operating budget problem, but didn't.
    It could also be said that the public safety unions burned their bridges. They forgot the first rule about getting themselves out of a hole -- stop digging.

    Now, they're faced with what they should have known was coming and instead of being in a position to work with city leaders on perhaps a temporary (or permanent) election to increase their funding, they tried to push the city around.

    If there are layoffs, and there probably will be, and there's no solution on the table for the voters to consider, we can all blame Hensley and Sipe for their ineffective management and poorly mismanaged political strategies. Truly -- if these unions want to fix things with the city of Oklahoma City, I think it's time for new leadership of the unions because these guys obviously can't cut it.

  15. #140

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Wow! Listening to his show today....this guy is a nut. Certified.

    A few quotes from today....

    'Muslims worship a false God'. (a caller later blows him away and gets hung up on)

    'All military members should leave the service immediately with Obama in office'. Huh?

    Is this guy seriously the highest rated show in Oklahoma City? Speaks volumes.

  16. #141

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Hey, who wants to go on a cruise with this guy?....

  17. #142

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Give it up to him though, he does his best not to say the "N" word..His lip is probably bleeding right now. Oh, and did ya get "I have friends that are Muslim"....Haa-Haa-Haa-Haa!!

  18. #143

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetNSourPoke View Post
    Wow! Listening to his show today....this guy is a nut. Certified.

    A few quotes from today....

    'Muslims worship a false God'. (a caller later blows him away and gets hung up on)

    'All military members should leave the service immediately with Obama in office'. Huh?

    Is this guy seriously the highest rated show in Oklahoma City? Speaks volumes.

    Mark and KTOK proudly boast that they have the number one rated, afternoon local talk show, but what they fail to mention is that they are the ONLY local, afternoon talk show. When confronted about this claim, Marks replies he's not the only afternoon talk show, what about the Sports Animal. (talk about comparing apples to oranges)

  19. #144

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUFan View Post
    Maybe it is just me but I think the budget problems on the horizon have never been a secret. I think if you have just read a paper every once in awhile over the past year none of this is a surprise.

    What many claimed was not true was that policemen and firefighters were telling people that if MAPS passed our public safety workers would be laid off. Which didn't happen.
    Doesnt mean it won't. Both unions are in negotiations to either take substantial pay cuts and or lost 100+workers to help make ends meet. That was the issue all along. Fox 25 had a report last week, which I dont see mentioned here, about Cornett's budget guys saying this has been looming for more then a year and Cornett was well aware of the impending impact on ALL city workers, not just fire and police. If I can find the link to that story..its pretty interesting.

  20. #145

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    I think it's very likely some public safety personnel will be laid off. I don't know how the city will do a 12% budget cut without some police and fire cuts. It's inaccurate to say, of course, that MAPS3 caused this. It would be accurate, though, to say that city leaders (both governmental and non-governmental) could have thrown their influence behind finding public support for fixing the city's operating budget problem, but didn't.

  21. #146

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by NikonNurse View Post
    Doesnt mean it won't. Both unions are in negotiations to either take substantial pay cuts and or lost 100+workers to help make ends meet. That was the issue all along. Fox 25 had a report last week, which I dont see mentioned here, about Cornett's budget guys saying this has been looming for more then a year and Cornett was well aware of the impending impact on ALL city workers, not just fire and police. If I can find the link to that story..its pretty interesting.

    Anyone that claims this hasn't been publicized for that past several months needs to leave their cave more often. Pending budget reductions have been in the papers, on the radio, on TV, on the City's web site for several months, and people need to stop trying turn this into something that's not there.

  22. #147

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post

    Mark and KTOK proudly boast that they have the number one rated, afternoon local talk show, but what they fail to mention is that they are the ONLY local, afternoon talk show. When confronted about this claim, Marks replies he's not the only afternoon talk show, what about the Sports Animal. (talk about comparing apples to oranges)
    For the life of me I can't figure out why people with one view or another get so worked up about this guy. Maybe I have led a sheltered life but I was born here and never heard about him until I started looking at this thread. He is pretty much irrelevent in the big scheme of things. Most people are working in the afternoon and don't have time to listen to his show even if they wanted to.

  23. #148

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    YouTube - MAPS 3 - After The Vote Services Are Being Slashed / www.okcissues.com

    I believe this is the Fox story, or I may have posted a link to someone's dog snoring....I dont know.

  24. #149

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by NikonNurse View Post
    YouTube - MAPS 3 - After The Vote Services Are Being Slashed / www.okcissues.com

    I believe this is the Fox story, or I may have posted a link to someone's dog snoring....I dont know.
    The premise of the 'story' is a non-sequitur.

    The 1% MAPS tax has nothing to do with overall collections. The revenue shortfall would have occurred regardless of the outcome of the MAPS election.

  25. Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    The premise of the 'story' is a non-sequitur.

    The 1% MAPS tax has nothing to do with overall collections. The revenue shortfall would have occurred regardless of the outcome of the MAPS election.
    Agreed, Mayor Mick didn't say the revenue from MAPS would put more firemen and police on the streets. The projects built and subsequent private construction, convention and tourism visitors and additional sales taxes would hopefully generate additional revenues - THIS would put more firemen and police on the streets. Anyone who doesn't understand MAPS is an investment with a hoped-for investment return isn't paying attention or chooses to be wrong.

    MAPS and the city budget are two totally and completely different things.

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