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Hmm, that is VERY interesting.
There was a little blurb in the Journal Record regarding a real estate and club owner requesting a liquor license
The real estate company was owned by none other than Ed Shadid's uncle, and Ed actually recused himself from the meeting. Pettis supposedly ripped into both, at one point calling Shadid's uncle a "crappy" property owner for essentially being a slumlord for the shopping center off of NE 36th and Springlake. Their license was unanimously denied 8-0, which I honestly cannot remember that happening before. Now that I know what you have added, I can't help but to think these two things might be related. For the record, I am very familiar with both the club and shopping center in question, and both are terrible.
But yeah, Shadid is really pushing this whole Title VI of the Civil Rights act. As someone who is both African American and has deep ties to the northeast side, I was a bit taken aback at the suggestion that this process has racial undertones. At that point, I just kinda figured Shadid and his allies were throwing poop at the wall and seeing what would stick.