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Thread: OKC's Image Issue

  1. #26

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Do you realize we have actually fallen BEHIND some of those states now?

    This is a very highly respected ranking system of key health indicators and not only is Oklahoma 48th (thanks only to MS and LA) overall, we have fallen from around 30th in 1990:


    Not only is the obesity rate trending up at an alarming rate, but the smoking rate (again, we're 48th) hasn't dropped at all in the last 15 years! When you see something like that you have to recognize there are serious problems tied to education as much as anything.
    I don't see OK doing anything to change that... it seems the state legislature spends it's time on things like making a fetus not for human consumption. That's part of the reason people have the impression of OK they do. Doesn't seem there's a lot of focus on education or health care.

  2. Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I don't see OK doing anything to change that... it seems the state legislature spends it's time on things like making a fetus not for human consumption. That's part of the reason people have the impression of OK they do. Doesn't seem there's a lot of focus on education or health care.
    Wrong. There is a lot of focus on education and health care. It's just not getting the media attention it deserves. The mayor of OKC and Chamber of Commerce have put a strong focus on health. The city has invested a lot of time and money improving the school system.

    Granted, the legislature needs stop passing goofy laws based on things they have read on the internet.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  3. Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by dcsooner View Post
    OKC is one of maybe 4 NBA teams with small black populatons (UT, Phoenix, Portland, San Antonio) All others have very large African American populations. Oklahoma is conservative to a fault, and is to some not African American friendly.

    The very city that slammed OKC for having a large percentage of whites, has the 5th highest percentage of whites. As for the rest of your post, I understand where you are coming from. But Oklahoma City really doesn't have THAT many western themed bars. Our upscale options don't compare to larger markets, but then again, it's really a numbers game. Oklahoma City's potential to sell itself as a city gets pigeon-holed based on the mentality behind the remark made by the TNT correspondent.

    Honestly, how many events held in OKC are rodeos? Other than the International Finals Rodeo (i think that moved out of OKC) and the PBR event, held in other cities, there aren't many to speak of. Oklahoma City's most popular and most attended annual event is an art festival for crying out loud. All of the other major events aren't even country themed. The Fourth of July Festival downtown, Opening Night OKC, deadCenter Film Festival. Our upscale clubs are limited, but this is a changing dynamic. The larger OKC gets, the more options are manifested.

    What OKC DOES have a lot of that is horse related are equestrian shows - a completely different animal from rodeos. People with a lot of money that come from all over the country (i.e., your not-so-rodeo-centric cities and states) to ride English style, dressage, and of course Western-style. That and horse races. Getting up on a bull for 8 seconds is not something that happens in OKC as much people on the coast would believe. On the other hand, Houston's largest, most popular civic event is... a rodeo.

    On a side note...

    One thing that irks me about how people view cowboys or anyone with a drawl as being unfriendly towards African Americans is the assumption they are all prejudice. My dad is a good example. He has a strong accent, used to train horses for equestrian shows, so people see him as a narrow-minded redneck. What they don't know about my dad is that he and my uncle were among the few white kids at Millwood High School in OKC in the late 1970s. They had a lot of good friends, and there was never any issue. My dad doesn't have a prejudice bone in his body, and he is in fact an Obama supporter. This coming from a man in his 50s with a southern drawl. Just wanted to throw that in.

    I, on the other hand, grew up in Edmond. My mom and her family are from the Pacific Northwest (mostly). I have no accent whatsoever, not a fan of country music at all, and I have a college education. No one would ever guess I am from Oklahoma. Some people think I am from the west coast (don't know why). It's a stark contrast from my father. My point is this... here are two people for you that defy stereotypes. Like I said, this has to end if we as a country really, truly want to start moving forward as a whole, not in parts.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  4. #29

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by dcsooner View Post
    The comment regarding nothing to do was made by an African American and relates to the fact that the NBA consists of 70% African American players maybe 10-15%euro/hisp and 10% or so white. OKC does not have 1. A large African American population 2. Other options that appeal to MOST of that demographic. for example urban radio (OKC has one or two) hear in DC there are six or seven. Entertainment options for wealthy, young African American men are almost non existent as well as the number of eligible Black Females. OKC is one of maybe 4 NBA teams with small black populatons (UT, Phoenix, Portland, San Antonio) All others have very large African American populations. Oklahoma is conservative to a fault, and is to some not African American friendly. Remember the KKK comment somewhere in SW Oklahoma a fews months back? Sure other places have natural advantages like oceans, mountains, but OKC does not have the upscale retail options, upscale party options (most African Americans) are not going to Coyote Ugly or the other western themed bars. OKC does not have one single place for an educated, financially well to do and single African American to meet and greet young, hip, urban males or females. I give great credit to KD and the other players on our team for choosing a team with a rabid fan base, great ownership, and a growing winning culture, but, the facts are in comparison to other NBA cities a African American NBA player is on an island in OKC. Native Black Oklahomans leave the State in far greater numbers than you might expect, you might find them in Dallas or Houston or even here in DC where 5 of my hometown friends and at least 10 other native black Oklahomans that I know of live as I do.
    As a young black male who lives here...most of your statements are wrong. For one, there are young, urban night clubs for African-Americans. Purple Martini, Bourban Street Cafe (at night, on weekends), The XO Lounge just to name a few. 103.5 does a good job keeping up with urban music. Blacks/Mexicans make up 30% of population, that's pretty diverse if you ask me...

  5. Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    As a young black male who lives here...most of your statements are wrong. For one, there are young, urban night clubs for African-Americans. Purple Martini, Bourban Street Cafe (at night, on weekends), The XO Lounge just to name a few. 103.5 does a good job keeping up with urban music. Blacks/Mexicans make up 30% of population, that's pretty diverse if you ask me...
    I've heard some good things about Purple Martini and the XO Lounge.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  6. #31

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    103.5 does a good job keeping up with urban music. Blacks/Mexicans make up 30% of population, that's pretty diverse if you ask me...
    103.5 is what I listen to mainly and you are right about it keeping up with urban music, which is why I listen to it most of the time. The only time I don't listen to it is when I'm in an area with a bad signal.

  7. #32

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    There also pockets of young, urban hip areas, in the N. May, NW Expresway Area. Norman/OU used to have a progressive black fraternity/sorority scene with great parties and events, but that was 10 years ago, don't know about now...

  8. #33

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Believe it or not, there is a young, Black, and urban scene here it's just outweighed by other scenes. I remember when Club Spyce was the place to go in Bricktown if you were young, Black, and had some class. And if you want to see some wealthy Back neighborhoods, yes I said wealthy Black neighborhoods, take a stroll through the neighborhood north of NE 50th between Kelley & Lincoln.

  9. #34

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    There also pockets of young, urban hip areas, in the N. May, NW Expresway Area. Norman/OU used to have a progressive black fraternity/sorority scene with great parties and events, but that was 10 years ago, don't know about now...
    The Dave & Busters has definately brought in more of the younger crowd (like it wasn't already young in that area). I haven't been myself but almost every single one of my friends on Facebook that are ages 18-26 have posted about going to Dave & Busters and how cool it is, etc. I live in the Quail Creek subdivision (NW 122nd & May) so I'm not sure why I haven't been since it's only about a 5-7 minute drive from my house.

  10. #35

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    As an educated, single, AA male who would like to think he's doing decent for himself financially, I echo the sentiments that there's actually a lot to do in OKC. It is a mid sized city though, so it will simply not compete with the Atlanta's of the world. Personally I'm okay with that. I really don't believe that a) most B-Ball players care about such things, as there are only 3 or 4 legit "party towns" with NBA teams (especially considering that most have the wealth to hop on a jet and go to South Beach/West LA/Manhattan, etc.) and b) that the NBA announcer who made the "rodeo" comment was thinking about black ball players having places to party.

    Going to steer the conversation back to the OP's general point. Maybe this thread should be changed to Oklahoma's Image Issue. I've never met anyone who hated OKC, while I have met people who detested other cities. I think OKC's image is actually improving drastically with all of the positive press, but I don't see the same positive press for the state in general. Politically this area is still pretty red but has mellowed out tremendously even since I moved to this areas 7 years ago. OK County was the only county in the state to vote for Romney in the primary (every other county went for Santorum of Gingrich).

    So are we getting to the point where the biggest disadvantage OKC has is that it is Oklahoma?

  11. #36

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    OKC has made many strides in becoming a more liveable place. The investment in downtown OKC alone is phenomenal! The city has much potential if it would capitalize on it. From a logistical standpoint, it has 3 major interstates that run through the city and is located nearly in the middle from both coasts. OKC needs to quit putting all of its eggs in one basket. OKC relies on the Oil and Gas industry too much? It really needs to diversify and include financial, logistical, insurance, accounting to name a few. It desperately needs new wealth, new ideas and new residents from more progressive communities willing to live work and play and to invest in the community. OKC needs to clean up the city it is way to blighted and dirty outside of downtown. I would estimate that nearly 50 percent of OKC is blight. You all can do much better and develop more pride in your city.

  12. #37

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Total B.S. comments...weird...

  13. #38

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Soonerus View Post
    Total B.S. comments...weird...
    Meh, some are off-base, some more so than others, but I wouldn't call all of them total BS.

  14. #39

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    It's funny that Kansas doesn't have the negative stereotype OK does, but since I've moved to Kansas it's exactly the same except without a big city.

  15. #40

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by KilgoreTrout View Post
    It's funny that Kansas doesn't have the negative stereotype OK does, but since I've moved to Kansas it's exactly the same except without a big city.
    Half of a big city. LOL

  16. #41

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    I hate to say it but I think a big part of the problem is we have some really goofy, shall we say non-worldly people here. I view the criticism as being similar to how easterners pummel on Jersey... It's really quite a lovely place with many things to do, and there are lots of talented smart people there. But everyone knows the "Jersey" stereotype that lives there... There is that element there. It's sort of the same thing with Oklahoma. You can have nine very metropolitan people working the national scene but the moment that tenth person who happens to like pickups, noodlin' and nutty laws opens his mouth it goes viral.

    Basically, I think everyone needs to suck it up. This is what happens when your home town finally becomes significant... People talk trash. Oh well, so what. People criticize New York and Texas all the time. You know how New Yorkers and Texans respond to that? Well they certainly don't turn to an Internet message board for their daily affirmation....

  17. Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Soonerus View Post
    Total B.S. comments...weird...
    Not sure what this ^ comment is all about, because I really enjoyed reading this conversation and took away good points from all sides. I understand how people get offended by ignorant comments from the coasts about Oklahoma, I often get upset too, but I am trying to work on that! I just think it is unfair to bash a place you really don't know well.

    Anywhere you are, you can find the hidden gems. You just have to look. We have a ton.

    The bottom line though is... this city is on the up and up. Period. And I love the spirit of togetherness evident in this forward momentum. It really is inspiring. That is what I love so much about living here. I have been here for 2 1/2 years, moved here from Orlando, FL, and the difference between the spirit of the people here and in Orlando is NIGHT AND DAY. People here actually care about making the community a better place and desire to work hard to change the national perception. I found Orlando to be full of selfish people all simply living there in body only...their hearts and minds are forever "up north, back home". It was depressing, actually. I was inspired to see that it was not the case here, as I started to read this board months before I even set foot in the 405.

    Just this board alone is a great asset to this city, and gives me hope that there are people in this town that are thoughtful, insightful, and are genuine boosters of OKC. OKC Talk truly forms part of my perception that people here are not apathetic when it comes to civic pride and progress. I love it. There are so many cities nationwide that would kill to have even the small group that participates on this board who are fired up to see their community thrive.

    So, we have a lot to be grateful for and are making great strides. If people across the country want to overlook it and perpetuate stereotypes, that is their loss and shows a lack of awareness. As for me, I will just keep enjoying life here and look forward to the city getting better and better as time goes on. It's exciting to be a part of it.

  18. Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Questor View Post
    You know how New Yorkers and Texans respond to that? Well they certainly don't turn to an Internet message board for their daily affirmation....
    lol, yes they do. go check out city-data sometime.

  19. #44

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    Wrong. There is a lot of focus on education and health care. It's just not getting the media attention it deserves. The mayor of OKC and Chamber of Commerce have put a strong focus on health. The city has invested a lot of time and money improving the school system.

    Granted, the legislature needs stop passing goofy laws based on things they have read on the internet.
    You're talking about OKC and I was talking about Oklahoma. What OKC does doesn't always get out past state lines, or city limits, but the stupid stuff the politicians do goes nation wide and Oklahoma is ridiculed.

  20. #45

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    There also pockets of young, urban hip areas, in the N. May, NW Expresway Area. Norman/OU used to have a progressive black fraternity/sorority scene with great parties and events, but that was 10 years ago, don't know about now...
    Actually glad to hear that things (entertainment options)are improving in OKC for young to middle aged african americans. I myself am over 50 so my focus has shifted. Hopefully, this will encourage more African American Oklahomans to remain home in Tulsa or OKC instead of fleeing to Dallas, Houston or someplace else which in my experience has been the historical case

  21. #46

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    I think we have the dust bowl and Rogers and Hammerstein to thank for the yokel image.

    Reinforcement comes from our politics as well. We rarely make the national news unless there's a horrible disaster, or the crew up at the capitol does something stupid. We're moving ahead as a city, but we're not doing anything innovative enough to catch much media attention. Mind you, I don't think the lack of innovation is bad. It just doesn't make for interesting copy if you're not a local.

  22. #47

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    You want the image to change? Well,get medical marijuana legalized in Ok. and BAM!

    Back in the 70s I worked for a man that had stomach cancer. You know the only thing that helped him through the day? Yep,marijuana. He smoked it in a regular pipe throughout the day whenever he needed it. He told me that his doctor had told him to try it because it was helping other cancer patients. He was no druggie just a hard working guy that put in sprinkler systems all over the north side of OKC. He smoked it till the day he died. Great guy.

    BTW,no agenda here as I don't smoke it.
    But it would never pass in Ok. The Churchers would go nuts and kill it.

  23. #48

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    As someone else mentioned, most of the national media is too lazy to do any real research. This is compounded by the fact that our legilature has a penchant for proposing stupid, dumb, foolish, inane, moronic legislation that often dies in committee, but not before being picked up by lazy media types. Our image takes another hit after any kind of disaster when the press invariably chooses to interview people who are missing teeth and good grammar. I think that happens because most intelligent people run the other way when they see the TV crew approaching them.

    It's not all bad, though. Since 4/19/95, we have been famous for world class hospitality. There have been many national stories about the transformation of downtown OKC since that date. Hosting events like the Big XII Tournament and NBA playoffs brings people to OKC who have never been here before and they go away a little better informed.

    Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time for the image to change, but I believe it is changing, slowly but surely. It would help if we sent legislators like Sally Kern back where they came from and they weren't replaced by someone just as neanderthal.

  24. #49

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Here's a small sampling of OKC happenings. From Steve Lackmeyer's blog, these are events just in downtown OKC in the next few days: http://blog.newsok.com/okccentral/20...s-up-downtown/

    Included: 10th anniversary of the OKCMOA; a seminar on living downtown hosted by the OKC Downtown College; Canterbury Choral Society's "multi-sensory" concert at Civic Center; art show & sale at IAO Saturday night; Baron hockey home game schedule; Thunder basketball home game schedule; Red Earth Run Saturday morning; showing of turn-of-the-century photographs as [Artspace] at Untitled; sports headliner awards tonight at Cox benefitting the March of Dimes.

    Perhaps there's a goat roping contest or tractor pull, but they didn't make Steve's list.

  25. #50

    Default Re: OKC's Image Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    103.5 is what I listen to mainly and you are right about it keeping up with urban music, which is why I listen to it most of the time. The only time I don't listen to it is when I'm in an area with a bad signal.
    I love listening to Power Jams. I just can't do it when R&B and the soul jams come on. If you notice, most of the songs they play are playing a month or two before KJ and Wild (don't care about the spelling) pick them up.

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