Originally Posted by
Joe Daddy
They look out there across the country and they see blue collar workers earning a living wage, sending their children to college, having healthcare, taking annual vacations. But instead of feeling a sense of pride in America and working to obtain similar pay and benefits for themselves, they look at these fellow middle class Americans with disdain. Then they support conservative politicians who want to lower their standard of living because their election funds are paid for by industry, and industry wants to pay everyone less so they can profit more, and concentrate more and more wealth and power into the hands of the few.
And finally, most amazing of all, is how middle class conservatives stand up for and defend the top 1% who pays less as a percentage of their of income in taxes than the average middle class worker. And the corporations that move their manufacturing plants overseas? That's just fine wouth the conservative middle class too. For some reason, they feel that the wealthiest among us should not have to suffer and sacrifice along with the middle class and the poor.