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Thread: Temp set on thermostat?

  1. #26

    Default Re: Temp set on thermostat?

    Downstairs stays nice and cool on 74. Upstairs 76 on the zone with the kid's bedroom and extra rooms, and 74 in the master bedroom.

    We have geothermal, which makes our monthly bills much, much lower than they would otherwise be. If we didn't, I'd probably keep things a degree or two warmer to economize.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Temp set on thermostat?

    6:00a - 4:00p - 80°
    4:00 - 9:00p - 75°
    9:00p - 4:30a - 71°
    4:30a - 6:00a - 73°
    6:00a - 9:00p - 75°
    9:00p - 4:30a - 71°
    4:30a - 6:00a - 73°

    Unless I've been outside working then I come in and turn it down to 70 or so until I cool off.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Temp set on thermostat?

    79 when away, 75-76 when home and awake, 77 when sleeping.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Temp set on thermostat?

    72 always. Any higher and my bed becomes a puddle of sweat at night.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Temp set on thermostat?

    75-76 all the time, set it and forget it. Ceiling fans usually running.

  6. Default Re: Temp set on thermostat?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    75-76 all the time, set it and forget it. Ceiling fans usually running.
    To me, this can make all the difference - ceiling fans. Or, any fan in general. As long as air is moving around, I've found I can tolerate most any high temperature (within reason). Even at night with the temp set at 70, I still find I can get hot and prefer to turn a fan on. When we lost AC for a short bit one summer, even when it was hovering around 80 inside, I felt fine with fans going.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Temp set on thermostat?

    74f normally, 78f during peak hours (2-7pm weekdays), 72f night. Haven't had an electric bill over $100 since I replaced my AC back in 2012

  8. #33

    Default Re: Temp set on thermostat?

    The layout of my house made sense to break into four zones. The two zones upstairs the kids keep at 75 all the time. Master bedroom and study zone are 69 or 70 at night and 75 during day when gone. Zone that has the main living area and kitchen is usually 71-72 when we are home and 75 during the day if we are all gone. It gets turned to 75 at night as no one except danes are in that area. I keep the office at 70 during work day and 75 at night and weekends.

  9. #34
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    Default Re: Temp set on thermostat?

    74 from 8am to 8pm.
    70-71 8pm to 8am.
    Our house is pretty well insulated compared to previous places.
    We have a small upstairs bonus room on its own thermostat. Leave that dude at 90, and turn it down manually when me or the kids are up there 2-4 times a week, and turn back to 90 when we are done.

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