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Let's temper the "screw the oil companies" rhetoric with the real-world knowledge that those evil oil companies employ real, live, actual human beings who buy groceries, pay rent, income taxes, and otherwise participate in the economy. If we tax them into an uncompetitive environment, and they leave, we can feel great about screwing the oil companies, but it won't be much solace to the folks who will be out of jobs.
I'm *not* saying oil taxes shouldn't be part of this solution, not saying ANY political ox shouldn't be on the table for goring. And I'm not interested in some protracted debate about the oil tax issue. I'm just pointing out that real, working people are on the other end of those oil taxes, regardless of your or their political affiliation. I wish the budget situation were that simple.
As far as I'm concerned, bad or good, at least *someone* put *something* out there to start discussing. It could have been a starting point. But it was beaten down by politics as usual, so now we're back to nowhere with a $900M budget hole, and now a special session to try and solve it.