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Thread: Video Games

  1. #651

    Default Re: Video Games

    My playthrough of GTA V on the XB1 was superb. I ran into a glitch or two. Which I think is to be expected with any game of that immense size and scope. Keep in mind while there are lots of shooting in that game, there's a plethora of aiming assists and difficulty levels to accommodate all skill levels and let the player immerse in the experience of playing the role of dirty gangster with the heart of gold or not depending on how you decide to play it. It's very open ended.

    If you finish gta v and LOVE it you should at least try a Bethesda game. Or if none of that works I still push the Wii U (not as a console, it's a terrible console) for its exclusive content like Scribblenauts, which you would flip for if you're a portal fan, and the fact that they've ported just about every Zelda game since N64 to it in 1080p HD with bug fixes. And the Nintendo content can be had quite cheap.

    Realistically, these days a console costs a little more than 4x $59.99 titles. So if having 2 (or) gives you access to the content you want it's not a crazy proposition.

  2. #652

    Default Re: Video Games

    really need to get back into gta v... got it in 2015 after building a new pc but put it down once fallout was released.

  3. #653

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
    GTAV came out on the PS4 two years prior to the release of the PS4 Pro.
    Yes, I'm aware. My point is that many of the studios have recently optimized older titles to take advantage of the Pro's more powerful specs, and I don't get the sense that Rockstar has released an update which optimizes the game for the Pro.

    There was talk about it in November, but the most recent patch seems focused exclusively on GTA online.

  4. #654

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by chuck5815 View Post
    Yes, I'm aware. My point is that many of the studios have recently optimized older titles to take advantage of the Pro's more powerful specs, and I don't get the sense that Rockstar has released an update which optimizes the game for the Pro.

    There was talk about it in November, but the most recent patch seems focused exclusively on GTA online.
    Ah, my bad. I wasn't aware that older games have been optimized. Makes sense.

  5. Default Re: Video Games

    With the Switch out in less than a week and Zelda getting the high praise in the previews that are currently out, is anybody else really excited for this thing to finally be out?

  6. Default Re: Video Games

    Not really. I'm kinda sitting back, not wanting to invest in yet another Nintendo system that is not up to date for the screens currently being sold (Wii hit market at 480res when most screens were 720, Wii U plays a lot of games at 720p native when most every screen sold was 1080p, now every screen is 4K and Sony + Microsoft have responded while Nintendo have just given us a Zelda game confirmed to play at 900pixels 30FPS on the switch) and quietly, sadly, against all my childhood joyous nostalgia, wishing Nintendo would just get out of the hardware market so I could play Breath of the Wild on my Xbox one with the controller that's going to feel comfortable and make me a better player because it's designed for gaming, and not whimsy.

  7. Default Re: Video Games

    I'll wait for the Switch to drop by 50 bucks and buy it. Probably a year and some games besides Zelda will be out I want to play.

  8. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by IanMcDermid View Post
    Not really. I'm kinda sitting back, not wanting to invest in yet another Nintendo system that is not up to date for the screens currently being sold (Wii hit market at 480res when most screens were 720, Wii U plays a lot of games at 720p native when most every screen sold was 1080p, now every screen is 4K and Sony + Microsoft have responded while Nintendo have just given us a Zelda game confirmed to play at 900pixels 30FPS on the switch) and quietly, sadly, against all my childhood joyous nostalgia, wishing Nintendo would just get out of the hardware market so I could play Breath of the Wild on my Xbox one with the controller that's going to feel comfortable and make me a better player because it's designed for gaming, and not whimsy.
    Really? That's interesting, to each their own I guess.

  9. #659

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    I'll wait for the Switch to drop by 50 bucks and buy it. Probably a year and some games besides Zelda will be out I want to play.
    You might be waiting longer than a year for it to drop to $50.

  10. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by _Kyle View Post
    You might be waiting longer than a year for it to drop to $50.
    I said drop BY $50 bucks.

  11. #661

    Default Re: Video Games

    Still BY $50 it may take longer.The thing is $300 rn.

  12. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by _Kyle View Post
    Still BY $50 it may take longer.The thing is $300 rn.
    Then I have no issue waiting. Right now it is basically a Zelda machine until the new Mario comes out later in the year. $250 would put it in line with other consoles right now.

  13. #663

    Default Re: Video Games

  14. #664

    Default Re: Video Games

    I've been reading BotW has realtively severe framerate issues on both Wii U and Switch. Worse on Wii U, though.

    I'll eventually get BotW, but it will be on my Wii U (I'm one of the few who bought one and still has it) and after some patches drop.

  15. #665

    Default Re: Video Games

    I've been playing BotW on the Wii U for a few days now and my experience has been opposite of that so far. No frame rate issues at all. This tracks with other reviews I've read that have stated it is smoother on the Wii U than the switch. The caveat is that I'm playing on my tv, not the game pad. No idea how well it performs there.

  16. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    I've been playing BotW on the Wii U for a few days now and my experience has been opposite of that so far. No frame rate issues at all. This tracks with other reviews I've read that have stated it is smoother on the Wii U than the switch. The caveat is that I'm playing on my tv, not the game pad. No idea how well it performs there.
    My friend is playing on Wii U and says it is fine. Just a bit lower graphics but still fun overall.

    On streams I have seen some serious frame drops on the Switch. In certain areas or fights the FPS drops to like 10 or less.

  17. #667

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    I've been playing BotW on the Wii U for a few days now and my experience has been opposite of that so far. No frame rate issues at all. This tracks with other reviews I've read that have stated it is smoother on the Wii U than the switch. The caveat is that I'm playing on my tv, not the game pad. No idea how well it performs there.
    That's good to hear and makes me want to go get it today haha. I'll play it on my tv as well and not the game pad.

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    My friend is playing on Wii U and says it is fine. Just a bit lower graphics but still fun overall.

    On streams I have seen some serious frame drops on the Switch. In certain areas or fights the FPS drops to like 10 or less.
    Certain villages drop below 5 for some people (thus making it practically unplayable) on both U and Switch versions I've read.

    Generally nothing a couple patches can't fix.

  18. Default Re: Video Games

    I've been playing on the Switch and yeah there are some frame drops but nothing game breaking. On the hand held I don't experience frame drops at all.

  19. #669

    Default Re: Video Games

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