I've said before that OKC should seek much higher standards than constantly contrasting against the state of our own central city in the 80's and 90's.
You could even argue that OKC had one of the absolute worst downtown's in the U.S. during those decades, as virtually all of Midtown, Auto Alley, Bricktown, Uptown, the Plaza... All of them were almost completely abandoned in terms of commercial development and many residences were unoccupied or razed.
So the question becomes, how do we stack up against other cities in the U.S. and what should our new standards become?
You can find tons of great urbanism not only in the meccas of Seattle and Portland and San Francisco and Brooklyn but also Wichita and Little Rock and Ft. Worth and Des Moines. New Urbanism has come to virtually every American city in dramatic fashion over the last 2-3 decades.
For quite a while we had *ONE* hotel in the entire downtown area. That's about as bad as it gets.
And frankly, while some great things are happening in Tulsa, their standards probably aren't good 'stretch goals' as they are smaller in every way and growing far less robustly; also much slower out of the gate with their Vision 2025 initiative.
Maybe OKC started from a deeper hole than almost anywhere else -- even dying cities like Detroit still had lots of great buildings and infrastructure already in place -- but what evidence do we have that we doing better than peer cities or even keeping up?
I personally like numbers as they are at least objective and offer an empirical form of measurement. Which is why I compile and maintain the Urban Project Summary, and downtown hotel and housing summaries.
But simply put: How does OKC measure up?
I believe it's a very important question instead of us constantly pointing back to our sad, sad past as the key point of comparison. And even more important with the new general obligation bond coming up for a vote in the fall, along with the future of MAPS to be decided as well as a new mayor.
Enough with the blind cheerleading and time to take honest stock and set our sights higher than "it's much better than it used to be".