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Thread: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Has anyone else noticed in the last year or so how much the highway right of ways, medians and other grassy areas are SEVERELY neglected. ODOT contracts out every year independent contractors to mow these sections of interstate as well as the city is responsible for some of it. I think we all have mentioned its never the prettiest, however last year I began to noticed they quit mowing in about late July/August and haven't mowed since then. I know on I-44 it is extremely terrible, especially at the 39th and 10th street interchanges where plenty of visitors see. Not only here but all over the metro I've noticed no right of ways that have been mowed the last part of last year and so far this year. These contracts are million dollar contracts, I realize it's rainy season but for the money they get, we should keep better tabs on them.

    Anyone know who we can contact directly about this??? Sure reminds me of the city forgetting about the Brewer parking lot revenues.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Maybe Brewer has the contract to do the mowing and cleanup.

    Along the same lines as highway medians. Has anyone thought of something that could be grown in the median other than grass? It would look nice if there were some kind of plant or flower that would be low maintenance and be able to grow in these areas.

  3. Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    When the state did it, they stayed mowed pretty well. I do know that the first year they contracted out (2 years ago I think, maybe last year), they got enough complaints that they fired the contractor. I don't think it's too bad yet this year...but the whole state is definitely in need of a good mowing. If they don't mow in the next few weeks, then I'll start to get annoyed, but right now I don't think it looks any worse than it always does.

  4. Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    In California they had these pink flowering bushes that covered the whole median. Not sure if they were something that can be grown here.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    When the state did it, they stayed mowed pretty well. I do know that the first year they contracted out (2 years ago I think, maybe last year), they got enough complaints that they fired the contractor. I don't think it's too bad yet this year...but the whole state is definitely in need of a good mowing. If they don't mow in the next few weeks, then I'll start to get annoyed, but right now I don't think it looks any worse than it always does.
    Not sure where you've been looking but most areas I'm talking about are 2 plus feet high, to me that is WAYYYYYYYY unacceptable. And the state did start a wildflower initiative a few years back for these medians and such, but I don't think that was a good idea from the get go. Grass grows tall right in with the flowers and they get drowned out or sometimes mowed over and not remowed and it looks terrible. Don't believe me, go look at the eastbound 10th street ramp off I-44. You'll see what I mean, trash, a knocked over light pole that has been there for months if not years, a sign that says Wildflower Patch (or whatever they call those) and grass that is 2 plus feet high. It is a huge eyesore. It's really bad off of 39th where it heads to the onbound I-44 southbound ramp.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Let's not forget that it has been raining almost every other day for about the last two months.

  7. #7
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    In California they had these pink flowering bushes that covered the whole median. Not sure if they were something that can be grown here.
    Yup, I was just about to say that J! I forget what they're called, but they looked beautiful in the medians, and also provided a soft target to hit when accidents occurred.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Okay, I'm a nature lover but I drive south of Norman almost every day and was completely upset that they had mowed. The Indian Paintbruses (the orange spiky wildflowers) were in bloom and the view was just incredible. Then a couple of weeks ago they were all mowed down. It just kind of bummed me out for my long drive.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    Let's not forget that it has been raining almost every other day for about the last two months.
    I already mentioned that all of the rain doesn't help, although that's exagerrated a little. My point was not only THIS YEAR BUT HALF OF LAST YEAR it was neglected. That still doesn't excuse multi-million dollar private contracts. The contractors understand it is supposed to be mowed rain or shine once it reaches a certain height or a certain frequency.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    I like the grass to be kept unmowed and let it look natural, I do not like to see trash and broken signs or lights along the road.

    How about those wild yellow sun-flowers that grow in fields all over the city? What about crape mytles? it is hard to kill off those flowers too and they look good while in bloom.

  11. #11
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    The problem with the high grass in the medians and at the interchanges is that it obstructs people's views, thus increasing the risk of accidents.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Not to mention it is very unsightly and tacky, especially with all the litter. I remember when Washington Mutual and another Fortune 500 company wouldn't locate here because of lack of highway beautification efforts.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    You can have highway median areas that look natural with landscaping if it is maintained to be such.

    I think that we all agree that all of our highway areas are an eyesore, and something needs to be done about it. Adopt a highway?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    But that's the thing okclee. I've adopted highway space before, and all they really let you do is clean up trash. They are very picky about planting/beautifying and have to go through all these formal processes to even try to do the least bit of beautification. They really prefer you to "donate" an unreasonable amount of money to OKCBeautiful (a privately held entity that has overhead) instead of having an urban forestry department that is public like cities such as Edmond and Norman.

  15. Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    You must have a lot higher grass on your side of town too because on the east side, most everything is far under a foot.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    But that's the thing okclee. I've adopted highway space before, and all they really let you do is clean up trash. They are very picky about planting/beautifying and have to go through all these formal processes to even try to do the least bit of beautification. They really prefer you to "donate" an unreasonable amount of money to OKCBeautiful (a privately held entity that has overhead) instead of having an urban forestry department that is public like cities such as Edmond and Norman.

    That is interesting Metro, I will admit that I do not know how the "adopt an area" program works. From the way that you describe, it is no wonder that these areas look the way that they do.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    You must have a lot higher grass on your side of town too because on the east side, most everything is far under a foot.
    Yeah, I'm not sure where he's referring either. Driving between my office in the NW Expressway/May Ave. to Edmond, whether I drive the east route (Broadway Extension to I-44 to May Ave.) or the west route (Broadway to Kilpatrick Turnpike to Lake Hefner Parkway to NW Expressway), I just don't see vast areas of neglect.

  18. Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Plus I don't they ever mow until June anyway...at least IN town.

    There's a whole lotta state to mow folks....so they can't be everywhere all the time....they just need to do better than the last 2 years.

  19. #19
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    If they concreted the medians like on Broadway Extn. we wouldn't have this problem.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    Quote Originally Posted by PUGalicious View Post
    Yeah, I'm not sure where he's referring either. Driving between my office in the NW Expressway/May Ave. to Edmond, whether I drive the east route (Broadway Extension to I-44 to May Ave.) or the west route (Broadway to Kilpatrick Turnpike to Lake Hefner Parkway to NW Expressway), I just don't see vast areas of neglect.
    Not sure where you guys missed it but I specifically said I-44 area near NW 10th and NW 39th.

    Additionally all the areas in between as well as I-44 heading southbound and the I-40 Amarillo area is bad too clear down past Council. Meridian and I-40 is a huge eyesore as well.

    Even going down NW Expressway westbound and NW 39th westbound are terrible. The NW side of town is usually considered the nice side of town. It sure doesn't reflect it though with the medians.

  21. Default Re: Oklahoma highway medians neglected

    My dad and I were discussing this this weekend. With all the money they spend on labor, lawn mowers, and gasoline, they could plant tons of trees, shrubs, and wildflowers instead and not worry about mowing it. In some areas (particularly around the Turner Turnpike/I-35 interchange) there are ridiculously HUGE areas being mowed that don't need it.

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