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Big 12 acquitted itself very well in the bowls this year. WVa really showed itself to be a bit of fool's gold, however. Miami really handled them, although I strongly suspect they put a *lot* of their emotional eggs as it were into the basket of playing OU, and OU dismantled them fairly easily. I think they kinda phoned things in after that.
I don't think you'd find too many teams playing significantly better than OU as the season ended. Amid all the discussion about bad B12 defenses, which I'm not saying is entirely unwarranted, it was gratifying to see a Rose Bowl with a Pac12/Big10 matchup rolling up 101 points.
I don't know what in the world happened to Ohio State, but it seems they played their very best game against us and went downhill the rest of the year. Who in the world would have predicted a 31-0 blowout loss to Clemson???