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Thread: Andy's Frozen Custard

  1. #1

    Northwest OKC Andy's Frozen Custard

    Didn't see anything in the forums regarding this, but passing by NW Expressway and saw they're building one next to Slim Chicken's.
    I saw that they already have a location in Tulsa, so was wondering if anyone has tried the place?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    Their custard is pretty good. Not as good as Ted Drewes in St. Louis or Kopps in Milwaukee, but MUCH better than Freddy's. The one in Tulsa (right across the street from the new Costco) has a nice outdoor seating area (similar to Ted Drewes), which should be fun in the summer. Can't wait for this to open!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    I noticed that Andy's Frozen Custard has finally opened. Has anyone tried it yet? TIA.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    I went to their soft opening, and I stopped by this weekend. It's pretty good. Really rich.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    I went tonight.

    It's a walk-up only kind of place, with two windows and a drive-thru.

    Pretty big crowd.

    I had a root beer float, as they have root beer on tap. Very, very good.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    BTW, yet another great possible use of the old Charcoal Oven!

  7. Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    BTW, yet another great possible use of the old Charcoal Oven!

    Sadly they are tearing down the Charcoal Oven and building a discount tire store in its place.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post
    Sadly they are tearing down the Charcoal Oven and building a discount tire store in its place.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    I talked to a friend of mine last Thursday and he recomended we get by there and try it. He said it was pretty good.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    Interestingly, they only have ice cream and a few sodas... No burgers or anything else.

    Since they also have no indoor dining, their winter business must take a nosedive.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Interestingly, they only have ice cream and a few sodas... No burgers or anything else.

    Since they also have no indoor dining, their winter business must take a nosedive.
    You know, I kind of like that they aren't doing anything but ice cream and sodas. Seems like the fast food places (including Braum's) these days try to be too many things at once. But yes, it'll be interesting to see how this does in the dead of winter. I guess they know what they're doing.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    Yes, it's actually a really cool place.

    They have a guy in the front window actually making the custard, then a whole crew (I'd say about 8) making the orders in a service line behind the ordering counters. All in traditional ice cream vendor gear, including the little hats.

    One thing I didn't like was there were two ordering windows but no pickup window, so you have to hang out need the window (with others who are also waiting) then squeeze in front of the line to get your item.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    I imagine the crowds will lessen in winter, but I think/hope ours are mild enough that they could still float through. I've long been disappointed that a lot of the snow cone places close...well, around now actually. Then in November when highs are still in the 80s and I'm thinking a snow cone sounds good about now, too bad.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    Any word on when the 150th and Penn location(coming soon on website) will be open?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard

    They are under construction on the west side of Penn just north of 150th.

    Construction trailer just moved on site about 2 weeks ago, so they are just getting started.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Andy's Frozen Custard


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